((this is a continuation/replacement of a thread that was in the melee section but makes more sense here))
It's no secret that Divine Might is an extremely costly enhancement. The full rank of it requires that the typical paladin/cleric start with 18 Charisma AND devour a +2 charisma tome (or invest two level-up attribute points). The benefit of this dynamic attribute sacrifice is that the Paladin/Cleric receives a self buff that will last for one minute, use a charge of Turn, have a lengthy cast time and then grant a flat +2 damage per rank (up to 8).
I believe that the reward is too little for the sacrifice. The cast time is too long, the duration far too short (and does not scale at all), and the damage bonus is too low for THF players. Currently Divine Might is drastically better for TWF than THF, however there is nothing innate about the ability that suggest it should be so why not make it equal?
Priority for improving the value of divine might, in my opinion would be-
1.Increasing the duration
2.Increasing the benefit for Two-Handed Weapons by 50% (exactly on par with strength scaling)
3.Reducing the Cast time
My current suggestion for making Divine Might a more worthy ability (see below)
Divine Might:
Divine Might I/II/III/IV Activate this ability to gain a +2/4/6/8 (for One-handed weapons) or +3/6/9/12 (for Two-handed weapons) Sacred bonus to damage. Consumes a use of your turn undead ability.
The duration of Divine Might is 1 minute + (Charisma modifier x 6) seconds.
Maybe even just make the ability passive or toggle. Reality is that users have enough charges to maintain Divine Might 100% anyhow, and there is no other cost. Why not just have the blasted ability (considering its extremely high cost) be a passive effect. I'm really leaning hard to find a way to take some of the unnecessary tedium out of the ability, in current for it's simply not fun and at the same time not an option to not have.
I welcome criticism, debate and suggestions. And if anyone suggestes an overall change that is clearly better thought than my suggestion- i will gladly edit this post to put that in.