"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
Eulogy- oh ninety eight
Sorry if this constitutes a necro.
Definitely agree with the increased duration and/or fixed casting time. I suspect this is an oversight and not intentionally left out.
But since it adds to the base damage it affects Glancing blows by 50% (with Greater THF) already, and can do so across mulltiple targets. I forgot about this too until recently. Adding 50% for THF is still a plausible option, but it should be mentioned that if you have multiple enemies being struck with glancing blows DM4 will be adding +4 to each swing per enemy beyond the main target.
Hence it's much less obvious that the damage is a lot worse for THF paladins though it won't have the advantage of offhand crits.
This also brings up the main advantage of DM which is that it's damage is always multiplied in critical hits. Therefore increasing the damage is much more controversial and I honestly couldn't make a suggestion either way.
The problem with considering glancing blows when measuring the value of Divine Might for THF is that glancing blows are inconsistent and proc less often then TWF with GTWF. Remember, if you move you never glance. never. Standing still is rarely an option (cept for bosses meh) so thats a large chunk of the game that you will never get that DM benefit on glances at all. Granted this is more of a problem with the poor way THF feats were implemented but its an issue non the less.
If they improved DM4 to 12 damage for thf both fighting styles would then average around 15 damage per swing benefit from the enhancement (assuming the character has GTHF or GTWF) as opposed to now where TWF averages 15 (8 + (80% of 8)) damage per round where as THF only gets 12 in a perfectly set up situation and in reality only 8 the majority of the time.
The fact that DM is amplified by critical hits is arguably another benefit for TWF, as the weapon with the best critical profile in game is usable only by TWF players (nerf khopeshs!).
In the end, with all of the benefits that Paladins have to TWF over THF already (double smites and double divine sacrifices... wow...) is there really any reason not to close the gap with Divine Might just a little bit?
Eulogy- oh ninety eight
That's a fair point, and it's clear that TWF is more advantaged than THF for...anything Paladin can do...
I've just posted a newer thread specifically objecting to being left behind in the update 11 action boost changes.
Figured this would be a good place to mention it:
Again, I agree wholeheartedly. Activation time is too long, duration too short and doesn't scale, the ability just does not scale with the game progression (like all too many Paladin abilities already).
The glancing blow thing is a joke as well. Except for certain boss fights, you are moving. Moving because mobs are trying to get behond you, or are moving themselves. Fight the kobold in shroud, or any Devil, or a troll that's in happy triple-swing mode, and see if you can do it without moving. Move even a little, and there are no glancing blows.
And let's not forget, this ability comes with a steep starting CHA requirement. I can't think of any other enhancement at the moment that does. You can reach the top tier of TWF with a starting DEX of 15 (or 14 with a +3 tome). If you are a mere mortal with a +2 tome, you need to MAX out CHA at startup (or make up the difference with level-ups, at the expense of STR). Given that investment required, it SHOULD make a more important difference to damage output.
Last edited by justagame; 02-13-2012 at 04:36 PM.
Whatever treatment Divine Might may get in terms of duration & casting time, the same should hold true for Divine Righteousness, please.