DM does need some help to make it more user friendly, however please do NOT tie it to having the THF feats. Paladin's are feat starved and I don't see any reason for doing this. If the developers want to more balance the DPS of THF vs TWF than the OPs suggestion of making the damage higher when THF makes more sense.
Personally, I think that the duration of DM should be shortened to the casting time of divine favor and zeal. This is probably my biggest issue with DM as it's painful to recast when you're in the middle of a fight.
As the developers are looking at doing their intro guides for newer players I hope when they look at Paladins they realize that:
1) A lot of newer players to DDO that want to play a Paladin want to play a S&B tank.
2) It's impossible to make a 28 point Paladin tank that isn't gimped when you get to higher levels because you need good a Strength, Con, Intelligence and Charisma (Dex is needed for an advanced build & epic armor...but tha'ts not new player friendly). If the developers think that it is possible to build a good Pally tank as a 28 point character with no tomes, then I would LOVE to see them post their build.
As such, I think the suggestion that DM provides some level of to hit (I like +1 to hit per tier of DM) is the way to solve this. This would allow a new Pally tank to start their strength at a 14 instead of the almost required 16. This will free up just enough build points to get con, int and charisma to a high enough level. The new player will also not have the highest + to hit weapon and highest strength item so this would really help them out.If the developers did this, then the starting attributes on a human 28 point pally could be as follows as an example with the additional + to hit making up for the lower starting strength.
Str: 14 (6 points)
Dex: 8 (0 points)
Con: 14 (6 points)
Int: 14 (6 points) - CE prereq with no tomes
Wis: 8 (0 points)
Char: 16 (10 points)
28 total points
The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
"From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."
~ What do you mean, Con isn't a dump stat? ~
Keston - Myddfai - Triski - Arianhrod - Ericht - Delwi - Bathb - Xinren - Anyerin - Bauxy - Niniamh - Meikleour
Let's not make this a defensive TWF vs THF debate. Besides, virtually all of the other pally benefits advantage TWF (divine favor, div sac, smites, kotc, capstone, etc.). This wouldn't tip the scales by any stretch of the imagination. And, as suggested by the name "divine MIGHT", having a benefit that was proportional to the THF strength benefit (i.e., 1.5x for THF) wouldn't be out of line at all, IMO. I think it would be a totally appropriate change.
Faster casting time would be a major improvement, though, given the short duration, I wholeheartedly agree with that. Casting it in the middle of a long battle costs you several swings, which makes the dps gain dubious, depending on how much time is left in the fight. I'd be careful about extending the duration, it could very well make it OP.
Nah, clerics don't need more than 15 + 3 tome to qualify for their highest level of DM.
The raids I can't heal on my 1200 spell point "cleric" I can't heal with 5000 spell points bottled up. I've tried.
I submit for your consideration a truly enlightening read... The Path to Enlightenment
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
Clerics need a slight boost to make using turns for Divine Might more worthwhile as they need to balance it with keeping back turns for Radiant Servant. As already discussed the casting time and limited duration for Divine Might make it questionable as whether to put more ability points into charisma and enhancement points into the feat to get DM to a decent level.
At the very least DM needs fast cast and some duration extension.
**********KNIGHTSOFSHADOW ***********
CUDGOCleric 16/ Fighter 2 TR2 AXEFISTBarbarian 20
Really? I find 1200 vs 2200 makes a huge difference. I couldn't solo-heal guild Shrouds on the former, but I'm not sure who that says most about
Interestingly, I skipped the 'over-healer' stage entirely; waste my precious, precious mana?! I think not! I'm probably at about stage 5 or 6... my original cleric's a healbot who I've added some offensive casting ability to, but the newer ones should be nice all-rounders. I have been watching and learning from the mastersI submit for your consideration a truly enlightening read... The Path to Enlightenment![]()
Last edited by ceiswyn; 05-13-2011 at 07:07 PM.
~ What do you mean, Con isn't a dump stat? ~
Keston - Myddfai - Triski - Arianhrod - Ericht - Delwi - Bathb - Xinren - Anyerin - Bauxy - Niniamh - Meikleour
I don't see how four offhand only damage can even come close to being a match for "the other stuff" but if it's your personal opinion that it is, there's no debate to be had. What's your rational for the THF players who are getting -4 damage ?
Eulogy- oh ninety eight
IMO, 5 things should be done for the currently gimped paladin class (yes i have a paladin)
1) Increaes THF damage bonuses just like every other dps class gets in some way or another like this:
2) Buff the duration of DM/turning like this:
3) Reduce AP costs of the smiting, DM, and turning lines (1/1/1/1 progression)
4) Add an entirely new DPS enhancement line that's not limited to one type of mob (hopefully something that increases attack bonus as well)
5) Nerf KOTC damage by the same amount of dps as increased by the new enhancement line
I very much like the idea of having Imp Turning effect such things, but I think that it's an unrealistic expectation. Generally when I make suggestions I try to lean toward "simplish" fixes as it seems more likely to be implemented. I just don't forsee improved turning getting that kind of rebuilding any time soon.
Frankly even my original suggestion is likely too complicated to hope for. Just asking for a basic, flat duration extension is the only best bet I think.
Eulogy- oh ninety eight
I haven't leveled my paladin up enough to understand all the tohit issues, so I was going by my understanding of other melee classes. With GTWF, +4 in the off hand looks pretty good, and you won't have any feats available for stunning blow, improved trip, or other strength tricks.
I can't help you with your lack of THF damage. I would be more upset about the damage from divine sacrifice (and smites) not being scaled for THF myself. I suspect that turbine is trying to guide all paladins into one build (in this case drow TWF), so they can balance things easier.
Eulogy- oh ninety eight
The more I play my paladin, the more I hate just about everything about divine might. It's just not worth the sacrifice and needs some developer attention. At least, if nothing else, give it a 2 minute duration.
Eulogy- oh ninety eight
How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!
My biggest issue with Divine Might is that it requires a sacrifice that is more dramatic than I feel the developers understand.
It scales as though it were nothing but an enhancement line. But it's not. It's a potent build changer, an ability that can, on it's own, effect a characters initial build stats and level-up stat investment. It should reward the player properly by being less tedious to maintain (one minute is just not reasonable) and scaling properly for Two-Handed-Weapons (scale it like Power Attack or at least like Strength at 1.5).
Divine Might is a massive sacrifice to acquire. it should not be a massive sacrifice to maintain. And it should reward a player equally(ish) be them THF or TWF.
Eulogy- oh ninety eight
I agree with some of the changes to DM, I also like the idea of it adding something to the to-hit but not full ranks perhaps half of the damage so if the damage goes 2/4/6/8 than the to hit could go 1/2/3/4. I have TR'd my pally once and recapped him to correct some mistakes and make him better I will do so again to tweak him a little further, he is a twf and I notice that in Epic he is not hitting as often as he should. Im not asking that pally's be made equal to barbs, fighters or even the little backstabbers but the sacrifice made in stats and ap for DM should yield a good reward. Or maybe the to hit can be added only on DMIV. I dont have as much an issue with the duration but I would like to the see the casting time cut down so its like attack boost.
Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.
All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)