I've been mulling over this one for awhile, but Flimsy's recent post got me to thinking...
Okay, given the fact that the end of the Droaam invasion arc was all kinds of ominous, it seems fair to say we'll see some sort of further trouble from the forces of the Hags in the future. Thinking of possible scenarios, I imagine that having yet another invasion would be kind of lame in a repetitive sort of way, unless something is done to really up the ante from the last time.
One possible way to make this happen: airship invasion!
Imagine a fleet of Droaam airships descending on Stormreach. Every available ship is scrambled in defense (including guild ships - more on that later), and the PCs hitch a ride on one of the defenders with the intent of boarding and disabling as many of the attackers as possible.
The way to keep this different from just being another Blockade Buster (an EXCELLENT quest, mind you) is by having the airships move in relation to one another. Maybe have a stearing minigame where the PCs have to get the ship close enough to another one to board safely. This could be the kind of quest that would let archers really shine.
Also, if it wouldn't be a complete coding nightmare, it would be pretty spiffy if the PCs had the option of using their guild ship as their base of operations. Have the quest default to a generic airship, but if at least one party member has a guild ship, that one could be used in its place, with all the standard buffing ameninities available.