This is just silly now i cant clear an item to start again. All i get is, This recipe cannot be performed because the resulting item would surpass its current Maximum Enchantment Level. I want to start fresh. Clear the item and start again NOW i cant. Why start to make this more complex?
I didn't see this mentioned yet and maybe nobody has checked into it yet, but I have two related questions:
1) Are blanks still unbound after they have had their 'potential' increased?
2) Does the potential stay when an item is disjunctioned again (to become a 'new blank')?
just to show, I created a new character there, and disjunction his rags, had my craftsman make a couple shards, placed in Bank, then added the shards to the Rags
he actually gained a level adding the shards
the ML seems kinda high to me, I would expect them to been ML:5 or 6, I mean they are bound
Last edited by simsiim; 05-13-2011 at 10:48 AM.
While having it more-clearly displayed would be nice, it's easy to determine whether a shard corresponds to a prefex or a suffix. Where-ever the word 'Shard' appears that is the place-holder for the name of the base item itself.It would be nice to know if you are creating a Suffix or a Prefix when making the shard.
X Shard = Prefix
Ex: '+2 Ench. Shard' added to a 'Sword' would add the '+2 Ench.' prefix and you'd have a '+2 Ench. Sword'.
Shard of X = Suffix
Ex: 'Shard of Deception' added to a 'Sword' would add the 'Deception' suffix and you'd have a 'Sword of Deception'.
- Founding member of The Firebrands of Caruja on Thelanis -Korrin Unterklippe / Miloc Maurvayne / Dinvak Massif / Iyflyn Godylyl(D&D player since '82)
These changes would make the crafting system a lot less "fun" IMO.
Right now, every item I look at it is a choice between "Hmm Do I want to sell, recycle or AH this?", and "Which of these effects would I rather recycle right now?". Mid level items are just as good as high levels if they're 'clean' for recycling - making the crafting system (& economy of recycled junk) open for all players doing most of the quests ingame.
With these I would basically vendor everything from levels 1 to 15, recycle all effects off everything else and no longer have to make interesting choices.
One thing which I think was addressed in the patch was extracting the Strength essences from those bracers. Has anyone checked what the returns of a very low level effect on a high level item is? Would do it myself but TR'd yesterday right before LLama came back - Remember to play in moderation.
Ok, after fully grinding and testing late into the night... I ground roughly 1000 shards back into components, and got a full level and then some in each crafting school just from shard breakdowns... that was a nice boost considering my levels... while making shards, turns out the ratios are better than I expected, and no, you can't perpetually level up nearly as much as it initially looked like. Result - went from 65/57/52 to 69/65/59, and it felt reasonable.
As far as making powerful items goes... the powerup restriction feature is actually a nice balance - leveling up is now possible without a ridiculous amount of components, but the server wont be flooded with tons of perfectly customized min-max effect gear. MLs still seem a tad high on the gear, screenshot on the way for the new toy I made last night..
As opposed to the process now of:
- recycle all low level stuff
- recycle all 'clean' items (as a side-effect, preventing new players from finding anything useful in the vendors)
- vendor all trash expensive items so you can buy cheap clean items if people are silly enough to sell them
I don't see a lot of interesting choices here.
In my earleir post...yes.
You get stuff-all.
ML19 with low level property gives you low level returns.
Choossing low level property on item with low and high gives you low lever return.
Couple of issues discovered with item creation...
1) Minimum Level change is NOT shown anywhere, or if it is, its hidden **** well - this used to be shown right before Lam went down before, in the crafting window, and you can only see the potential limitations my manually adding the + in upper right corner. There should be something so that if you put a combination in, it should show you a popup with all the relevant changes together.
2) You have to close the item creation forge every time you apply the potential booster to an item
3) Closing any other window appears to close any of the 3 types of item forge as well
4) Returners are still bugged - you can only disjunct a returning item with a special effect, you can NOT disjunct a +1-5 returner without effects, making crafting of returners with special metal types nigh impossible.
Has anyone tested this...
Disjunction an item.
Increase it's potential to +7.
Add a few powers to it.
Disjunction that item.
Is it still a +7 Craftable Item that is blank?
or is it washed back to +5
These changes go a long way to making this a more reasonable experience. Shard deconstruction by itself is a massive step in the right direction.
One problem I noticed (sorry if it is a repeat) is that essences from the DDO store do not stack in inventory. They stack fine in the craft bag but once they are move to inventory I have two stacks. Clearly this is because store bought are BtA but it is problematic. Several times I ended up with say 5 from the store and 3 from breaking down items and was unable to craft a shard that required 6 essences. Trying to add both stacks then confuses the machine and requires the window to be closed and reopened.
I am very disappointed to hear vampirism was not fixed on handwraps. I'm really looking forward to that on my healing amp monk.
Originally Posted by Eladrin
Writing up my feedback right now, it's a big lengthy so I'll drop it in another thread instead. Definitely liking the changes though.
There's also if it's worth the run to House K/back to questing & limited packspace to consider, most people I know rarely have more than 15 spots available.As opposed to the process now of:
- recycle all low level stuff
- recycle all 'clean' items (as a side-effect, preventing new players from finding anything useful in the vendors)
- vendor all trash expensive items so you can buy cheap clean items if people are silly enough to sell them
I don't see a lot of interesting choices here.
It's something your brain subconsiously thinks about when finding/selling an item. Some personality types who enjoy trying to make a profit on the auction house, business/strategy sims or even shopping would find it fun - Especially when the item is something weird like "+2 Flaming Sword of Vertigo +6" we have to stop & think about.
Not something everyone'd enjoy though![]() - Remember to play in moderation.
I have 2 beefs, one is documented here
Kudos for the BtA move though, and the reduction in costs. Still annoyed at the decision to remove life stealing.
2nd beef, I'm holding off speaking of till I can tinker more. It involves min levels, but I can't figure out where the math is wrong.
Overall, it looks like the intention is to redeem crafting from the current state it exists in, but as they say, Miles to go....
Aeolwind (5/12) - 18 Sorc/1 Art | Melisandria - 20 Fighter SD | Anlona - 20 cleric RS