so in questing solo today, i got a chance to use assassinate a lot. but this problem has been around pretty much ever since i first had a character with the ability, many months ago.
what the heck is wrong with the people who coded this ability? do they have the brain worms?
if i assassinate something, i don't break stealth. great. wonderful. but every **** monster remotely close knows exactly where i am, and continues to get repeated updates on my position the second i stop moving, regardless of their supposed ability to see me. what the hell? do the devs think i WANT to be moving really slowly and attack with a really slow animation while being actively hunted by mobs that know my location, and can target single-target spells on me? news flash: slowly inching away from the mind flayer that is ego whipping me, or mind blasting me, is NOT how i would expect successful use of this ability to play out. ironically, it seems it's currently bugged, because occasionally i also proc a regular attack at the end of the assassinate... and *that* part i actually like, because it means i don't get turned into a sitting duck while every nearby mob comes after me. and no, they *aren't* just attacking the spot where i assassinated something, they're moving directly to me over and over, with me selected as their target (i can tell, because if i do actually manage to stay away for long enough assassinate won't work on them at all, it doesn't even proc a save).
and then there's the failed attempts. ok, look, i'm no math genius, but i can tell when i'm dealing 10d6 bonus damage, and when i'm not. i can say with absolute confidence that i am not dealing 10d6 sneak attack damage. also, i don't break stealth on a failed attempt either, at least not until the thing i failed on turns around and hits me 10 times (or targets me with a death spell, or disintegrates me, etc).
seriously, what the heck? this has been around long enough. i *know* the devs can handle code where stuff deals damage on a passed save. they've got it working right now with finger of death and wail of the banshee. i *know* they can make stuff not notice you properly, because when i used to wander around gianthold and use finger of death from just barely outside the perception range of enemies, they would barely respond unless it was a passed save and the target aggroed on me... they'd just stand there and wait for the cooldown to end and i would kill another one.
so why the hell isn't assassinate working properly? they've already got the features working properly in other things, including at least one thing that *shouldn't* work properly. my unstealthed sorcerer standing within easy spotting range if the mobs aggro can just spam finger of death all day and draw no aggro, but my stealthed rogue? not a chance in hell.
fix it to work the way it should, or at least make it so that it isn't screwing me over when i use it in situations it *should* be perfectly suited for. it has been broken for long enough.