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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jan 2011

    Default Effective Skills Levels

    Are there certain levels that skills should be taken to in order to remain effective in the end game?

    I am primarily concerned with: Disable device, spot, listen, search, and open lock.

    Coupled with other skills, it seems that there are simply too many to max them all, but how high do each of these really need to be taken in order to remain viable in the endgame?

  2. #2
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    open lock u can get away with none(knock) or 5-10(most locks in game, with gear and buffs, u can get, only a VERY few need 'extreme ranks')

    Search, disable, always try to keep maxed. Spot next if u can't memorize every trap spot.

    Also umd. ALWAYS make sure thats maxed at 20

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jan 2011


    It seems like you can go over 20 on a lot of those skill levels - necessary? What about if you are planning for certain gear? Does a skill like disable need to be at the highest rank possible or just at the level of the trap - I guess that is my question more specifically.

  4. #4
    Founder coolpenguin410's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Daerov View Post
    It seems like you can go over 20 on a lot of those skill levels - necessary? What about if you are planning for certain gear? Does a skill like disable need to be at the highest rank possible or just at the level of the trap - I guess that is my question more specifically.
    Search, disable device and UMD should get as many ranks as you can put into them. They should be 23 ranks by level 20. Then you get the best items to boost those skills that you can.

    You just don't want to fail critical search and disable checks and UMD just gets better the higher you can get it.

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