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  1. #1
    Community Member GrampaBill's Avatar
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    Red face Please advise others as to how your eChrono's going to end

    Ran my first eChrono's over the weekend on two of my toons and they both ended the same way. Over 10 minutes and 15 minutes waiting for people to either switch toons or their guildies to jump in after whatever they were running finally finished.

    If this is not a common occurrance for eChrono runs, could those of you that are planning on expecting everyone to wait while everything gets switched around list that in the LFM please? If this is a common occurrance for eChrono, could you list that you will be popping the chest in a timely manner at the end?

    This way those of us whom haven't run with you before will know what to expect at the end.

    Dec 21, 2011: Regarding signature errors like the one to the left:
    Quote Originally Posted by droipamine View Post
    I imagine we'll be looking at this very soon.

  2. #2
    Community Member slothinator's Avatar
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    I've run Epic Chrono a few times, and this has happened each time. I believe it is standard. However, in each instance, the group leader made it very clear in chat and over voice that people were switching toons and not to open the chest.
    Sarlona: Stelvar, Stethos, Saltmint, Abbracadaver, Shaigh Hulud, Fujihowser MD, Soundwaive, Kuddlefish and some others

  3. #3
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slothinator View Post
    I've run Epic Chrono a few times, and this has happened each time. I believe it is standard. However, in each instance, the group leader made it very clear in chat and over voice that people were switching toons and not to open the chest.
    I pretty much only run Epic Chrono inside of guild runs. I find that when people swap it takes us less than 3 minutes because they begin to swap immediately when the devastator drops, and most people have there alts parked on the guild ship.

    there have been several occurances where puggers will do what you have described, log out and dilly-dabble, wasting everyone's time. we generally give a warning and finish it if they are not back in the raid in a reasonable amount of time (less than 5 minutes).
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  4. #4
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    I really wish this would happen in the groups I be in. I'd finish the raid, pop those chests like it was my last few seconds ingame. If your gonna do a quest, don't try to intentionally bypass a timer by swapping because your ALT isn't as uber as your main. But hey if you announcing it beforehand in the lfm, have no fear since I wouldn't click join on it anyways.

  5. #5
    Enlightened Completionist
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    Default Tell

    Yes, while it is nice to have more info in LFMs, you do realize that when you click on a group there is the handy feature that lets you send a tell to that leader, or /tell name and ask. Just a thought. So now that you know that most pug eChrono has flavors, just ask b4 joining.
    Martens -The Enlightened One, Triple-Cubed Completionist, "Abbot Slayer," Mournlander (30 Monk Martens' 3.0 Build) * Marten (30 Cleric) Sarlona
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  6. #6
    Community Member Thorzian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudfud View Post
    I really wish this would happen in the groups I be in. I'd finish the raid, pop those chests like it was my last few seconds ingame. If your gonna do a quest, don't try to intentionally bypass a timer by swapping because your ALT isn't as uber as your main. But hey if you announcing it beforehand in the lfm, have no fear since I wouldn't click join on it anyways.
    bypass a timer.. an echrono timer? yer kidding right. those who wish to do that are already cheating and for some unknown reason are not being banned for it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    We should make our feedback as honest as possible so that when it is absolutely ignored by Turbine we will get bonus points on the scoreboard of life.

  7. #7
    Community Member rodallec's Avatar
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    Zerg loot get end reward swap toon repeat
    20th chrono list is great.

  8. #8
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    This is a common occurence for chrono as people want to farm scrolls on their caster/cleric. 15 minutes is excessive for switching though. The most I've seen is 4-5 minutes.
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  9. #9
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorzian View Post
    bypass a timer.. an echrono timer? yer kidding right. those who wish to do that are already cheating and for some unknown reason are not being banned for it.
    Wasnt that fixed last update?

  10. #10
    Community Member GrampaBill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marten View Post
    Yes, while it is nice to have more info in LFMs, you do realize that when you click on a group there is the handy feature that lets you send a tell to that leader, or /tell name and ask. Just a thought. So now that you know that most pug eChrono has flavors, just ask b4 joining.
    That's like saying that everyone should ask a Shroud leader if it is a farming run. Shouldn't a quest always be assumed to be complete and anything out of a complete run should be noted as such?
    Dec 21, 2011: Regarding signature errors like the one to the left:
    Quote Originally Posted by droipamine View Post
    I imagine we'll be looking at this very soon.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrampaBill View Post
    That's like saying that everyone should ask a Shroud leader if it is a farming run. Shouldn't a quest always be assumed to be complete and anything out of a complete run should be noted as such?
    A Quest should be assumed to be ran how it is normally ran. Since its normally ran with people switching at the end*mainly becuase they dont like running the quest with X or Y class, or as already mentioned, to farm it for scrolls on their casters that they just ran the quest with*
    Out of the 50ish runs ive done. only 2-3 of them have been done without someone switching. if you dont like how the quest is ran, dont run the quest.

  12. #12
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathlos View Post
    A Quest should be assumed to be ran how it is normally ran. Since its normally ran with people switching at the end*mainly becuase they dont like running the quest with X or Y class, or as already mentioned, to farm it for scrolls on their casters that they just ran the quest with*
    Out of the 50ish runs ive done. only 2-3 of them have been done without someone switching. if you dont like how the quest is ran, dont run the quest.
    And yet we all know that this behaviour clearly violates turbine guidelines, about characters getting any reward for a quest they did not complete themselves. I don't think it's too much to ask that the lfm says so upfront, no matter how common the behaviour is.

    I don't mind waiting, 5 minutes, and no, I won't be switching. But I will not be waiting 15 no matter what.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  13. #13
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    And yet we all know that this behaviour clearly violates turbine guidelines, about characters getting any reward for a quest they did not complete themselves.
    Characters can complete quests by themselves now? Awesome!
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  14. #14
    Community Member GrampaBill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathlos View Post
    A Quest should be assumed to be ran how it is normally ran. Since its normally ran with people switching at the end*mainly becuase they dont like running the quest with X or Y class, or as already mentioned, to farm it for scrolls on their casters that they just ran the quest with*
    Out of the 50ish runs ive done. only 2-3 of them have been done without someone switching. if you dont like how the quest is ran, dont run the quest.
    Fair enough. You've answered my basic question as to how eChrono is normally run on this server. So, I'll assume that every run - unless otherwise noted in the LFM - will end with a long delay while whomever wants to switch, drops out and whomever the leader wants to give a free completions to finshes whatever quest they're currently in to join.
    Dec 21, 2011: Regarding signature errors like the one to the left:
    Quote Originally Posted by droipamine View Post
    I imagine we'll be looking at this very soon.

  15. #15
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    I had a guildy (new guy) ask that of us last Friday and we all just paused why would we jump out to change up? He I guess was used to that way of running things but most of the time we go in on the people who actually want the stuff in the raid and isnt everything bind to account anyway? Is it a completion thing token thing cause those are bound to just dont understand the whole change characters thing but then again dont pug so guess its the hip thing to do when ya pug.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  16. #16
    Community Member Healemup's Avatar
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    At present, the only purpose I can see for swapping at the end is to get favor on a toon that you wouldn't normally run through it. Unless you think that the 20th end reward is going to be magical someday or something.
    Favorhor, Rangedeath, Inthedark, Healemup, Axaleal, Hackemlow, Singasong, Intheback

  17. #17
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    Things change obviously, but the only time I have happened across the chance to swap out toons is when there was going to be several eChrono's ran and only I knew how to tank successfully, or was only one off timer. Like I said though, situations change and life moves on. If it isn't hurting you then grow up and move on. If it hurts you, you don't have time, just say so 95% of the time my groups will just complete for you and move on to something else. There are plenty of raids out there and not enough time in 2.8 days to get every single toon on timer. Majority of people I run with have 10+ caped and geared toons, isn't a prob for us to move on. I'm obviously not speaking for the world though. On that note I suggest what everyone has been saying with the ask questions, personally I do not believe it is the leaders responsability to baby every single person that he/she comes across. If you aren't equiped enough to ask questions then you probably didn't want to know badly enough. If the raid leader isn't equiped enough to answer said questions or to give general warnings himself then he probably isn't suited for leading the raid to begin with.

    Wow I sound like a ranting troll... final note, someone jump down under the bridge so I can pick my teeth with ya bones. *troll rawr*
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