I haven't seen anyone address the additional perks of the Savant PREs (Air speed, etc). If there is a thread I didn't find, please direct me.
I'm curious if anyone thinks any of the perks are good enough to effect your choice of element.
I haven't seen anyone address the additional perks of the Savant PREs (Air speed, etc). If there is a thread I didn't find, please direct me.
I'm curious if anyone thinks any of the perks are good enough to effect your choice of element.
Cold savant perk attack (lv 18) on a failed save will encase RED NAMED in ice. Harry, for example. BTW, this is a REFLEX save.
Air savant perk is abundent step. Good for kiting (I am air savant)
Fire is heat death, 2000 damage on a failed save. Does not work on creatues with fire immunities, so still bad end game.
Earth is a cc via reflex, earhgrab, but does not work on Red nameds.
Thank you. I currently have a level 14 cold specced Sorc who I will be respeccing for Savant. I am trying to decide between Water savant which will nerf my firewall or Air savant. Good to know that both perks are worthwhile.
Wall of Fire is no longer the end all be all damage spell. Ice storm gives you similar results plus it has a bludgeon damage portion and thus works on just about everything to some degree.
You do not *need* wall of fire anymore.
Air is probably the most practical. Very little is immune to electricity, and the only big spells that you might miss are Stone Skin and Cloud Kill.
Water Savant has very little direct nerf on Wall of Fire: your caster level drops from 15 to 11 (at char 20), which isn't too bad, and you can make up further caster level with certain items or buffs.
The biggest Firewall nerf you'll get is that a Water Savant build won't have APs in fire damage amplification.
I'm probably leaning toward Air at this point so I don't lose levels on either Fire or Water. And I get a spiffy movement affect. Thanks for all the input guys.