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  1. #121
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stille_nacht View Post
    there is a difference between direct and indirect revenue i think, this is why the f2p model is working about a billion times better than the p2p one.
    for example, if every quest pack that ever comes out from now on is p2p, this will actually attract less revenue than if it was 20% free/ 80% p2p, because with just that 20% free, the playerbase is increased by a significant enought amount that sales of p2p packs increases more overall.

    seeing as PvP is supposed to attract a new section of the playerbase, making it p2p would repel them away, and therefore you would have less people to buy packs. Free PvP, could, theoretically, attract a large amount of players, who would then buy P2P content to level there characters/havefun/etc. etc.
    Some of the suggestions people have made would make it where any new pvp additions they add would attract those who could pay for it while leaving the pits for those who cannot. It is just like adventure packs if you cant buy them you cant enjoy the content many of us put our money where out mouths is either by staying subscribed or going premium. the game does give us those choices. I just cannot get behind anything that does not bring the game potential profits, thats where longevity comes from and like it or not any new additions to this game will have some kinda profit tied into them hidden or no. Id rather support something profit driven and keep my game then to act like free is the full way to go. As I said in my thread eventually even free to play people will find themselves shelling out dough if they stick around long enough to care.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  2. #122
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    Believe it or not there are some people who refuse to pay to play this game instead they grind out tp to buy packs and they would do the samething for pvp p2p it's fine the way it is , and if your PnP D&D groups are so closed minded to not let people do what they want maybe you shouldn't play anymore I can't count the times as a DM where the players went off and did other stuff the what I had planned because they didn't want to go kill a dragon they wanted to go get drunk or take over an evil town or start there own kingdom with the money they collected throughout the campaign it doesn't matter if it's PnP ddo pvp pve players are gonna do what they want and there is always gonna be someone complaining about something so just play the game only read what you want :-)

  3. #123
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aries1040 View Post
    Believe it or not there are some people who refuse to pay to play this game instead they grind out tp to buy packs and they would do the samething for pvp p2p it's fine the way it is , and if your PnP D&D groups are so closed minded to not let people do what they want maybe you shouldn't play anymore I can't count the times as a DM where the players went off and did other stuff the what I had planned because they didn't want to go kill a dragon they wanted to go get drunk or take over an evil town or start there own kingdom with the money they collected throughout the campaign it doesn't matter if it's PnP ddo pvp pve players are gonna do what they want and there is always gonna be someone complaining about something so just play the game only read what you want :-)
    Um what the heck are you talking about? yeah there are some people who may grind out packs but there are others who will and do eventually try to support the game.

    Are you against supporting your game so it sticks around? Really? and what does my pnp have to do with ddo my mmo? nothing if you ask me.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  4. #124
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    I've spent a lot of money to play this game over $400 instead of buying a new game every month I buy tp I have 2 premium accounts where I own all the content but I'm dont want to spend tp to pvp if I feel like doing it between raids or quests which I rarely do but it's nice to have
    Last edited by Aries1040; 05-15-2011 at 04:20 PM.

  5. #125
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    Plz cry some more, it's very entertaining. Why get rid of pvp when it's mostly the new crowd of players, or the new subscriber base, that plays it? See what I'm saying? Ok, the DDO dinosaurs (founders), (holier than thou), (dieing breed), don't like something, nerf it... Get a clue, the new subscriber base (most) likes it... The new subscriber base is the majority, therefore we pwn joo...

  6. #126
    Community Member hityawithastick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieselphiend View Post
    Plz cry some more, it's very entertaining. Why get rid of pvp when it's mostly the new crowd of players, or the new subscriber base, that plays it? See what I'm saying? Ok, the DDO dinosaurs (founders), (holier than thou), (dieing breed), don't like something, nerf it... Get a clue, the new subscriber base (most) likes it... The new subscriber base is the majority, therefore we pwn joo...
    I disagree with the precise phrasing, but yes, the more long-standing players tend not to come into PvP.'s just a phase, we'll grow out of it.

    Plus, the next generation of player buys their way to level 20 so they can "rule" the pvp arena, paying for our game!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Dragons cant be vorped.
    Wait! Where are you going? Come back here and die for my fleeting tactical advantage!
    Quote Originally Posted by jcTharin View Post
    Hityawithastick, the super-naked dragon-slayer.

  7. #127
    Community Member Rogann's Avatar
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    If pvp is gone then ddo is even more lame, u grind out raids then chill for 3 days. Now *** do u do?

  8. #128
    Community Member Hell77's Avatar
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    Cool pvp rocks

    or just leave it as it is pvp is awesome if it wasnt for it some people woulddnt push them selfs to become better

  9. #129
    Community Member flynnjsw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell77 View Post
    or just leave it as it is pvp is awesome if it wasnt for it some people woulddnt push them selfs to become better
    I push myself to become better just to be better. I don't need PvP for that.

  10. #130
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    why people hate pvp? maybe because they always get pwned in pvp? lolzzz

  11. #131
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galacticos View Post
    why people hate pvp? maybe because they always get pwned in pvp? lolzzz
    well to be honest, they don't like the taunting, (immature) attitudes of some people who do participate in it.

    As shown by a veteran player on my server, PVP has great potential for organized events that can be fun for everyone to participate. It is apparent that the forum standards are to disown any and all types of pvp suggestions.

    If I were to walk into a thread under the spellcasters forums, in which people are discussing a spellcasting mechanic that may or may not be overpowered, and state "they should get rid of wizards because I don't like them, no dev time should be spent on casters because I like melees" - The entire community would be in an uproar at the trolling comment.

    For some reason, the exact opposite attitude is the norm for the pvp forums unfortunately - and still does not make sense to me. Why so much hate over something you apparently don't care about? rhetorical question, would rather not debate that.
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  12. #132
    Community Member Vengeance777's Avatar
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    Here is the main reason PVP pit should stay in the game: Testing.

    PVPing with another player is the fastest most reliable way to get accurate data on DCs, effects, damage absorption, spell casting levels, stacking/unstacking effects, broken weapons/spells, etc...

    A lot of spells, fortification, items, broken weapons, and other effects have been fixed because people used data gained from the PVP to prove to the devs they were broken.

    Until the devs provide a training dummy you can program with effects similar to a player and that provides numbers and feedback on spells and dc based attacks PVP is the only way to reliably test it.

  13. #133
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    Why so much hate over something you apparently don't care about? rhetorical question, would rather not debate that.
    I *never* said I don't care about it. I DO care - I want it gone. It was not here at the games' inception, and this was one of the big selling points for me. I was against it being put in, and am still against its very existance on the servers. If there was a PvP server, I could see that as I could completely ignore it. But as it is, I cannot, and therefore I started this thread as a response to other PvP threads so that they would not be derailed any further.

    PvP has no place in a Dungeons and Dragons game. Period.
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  14. #134
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vengeance777 View Post
    Until the devs provide a training dummy you can program with effects similar to a player and that provides numbers and feedback on spells and dc based attacks PVP is the only way to reliably test it.
    This is true, but this should have existed from the get-go anyway. The training dummy is an absolute joke.
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  15. #135
    Community Member ChildrenofBodom's Avatar
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    Not another one of these stupid threads....look...

    Read someone's post saying Dungeons and Dragons is all about teamwork and blah blah blah. You are WRONG. Dungeons and Dragons is for the sole purpose of having fun with your imagination. That's it. They won't remove, or stop working on, the PvP system because not only have they spent time and money on it, but they would loose players.

    How do I know that? Because I used to be one. PvP used to be all I did a couple years ago. Why? because it was really fun, especially when raiding/crafting/etc got repetitive and boring (well, there wasn't crafting back then, but you know what I mean heh)....that's it. Just like questing and improving my character is "fun", and that's what it's all about.

    You can whine to get rid of PvP just like people whine for it to be improved. You are no different from them. Actually, you are different, because what they are asking for might and probably will happen. Sorry, but yours will not.

    In reality, you should be lucky you even get to play DDO. Here in Afghanistan I don't have a good enough internet connection to play ... So let the PvPers have their fun.
    Quote Originally Posted by Handee
    You are the king of Delayed Blast Fireball.

  16. #136
    Community Member Gladiator_206's Avatar
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    Thumbs down /leave it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    2) Leave PvP as-is, in its current form, with no further amount of developer time ever spent on it at all.
    Do this. PvP threads are pointless, unless of course someone is trying to set up an event.

    PvP is perfect as it is, it holds no incentive for anyone who doesn't like it, while people who do like it can use it whenever they want (good example - all those small competitions such as last man standing - they can be fun). Its perfect and shouldn't be touched. Its PvP threads that need to be removed, not the actual thing itself.

    Disclaimer: I don't even PvP - ever, I just think its in a perfect state right now. Just leave it alone.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Whooops. We clearly were out of line with several of these ingredients. Including items like Dreamspitter and Chattering Ring is an embarrasing error on our part and was in no way intentional.

  17. #137
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Remove PvP now

  18. #138
    The Hatchery
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    No need to remove (at least until we get a testing dummy instead of the useless 'training dummy'), but don't waste dev time on it either.

    I think the better solution would be an 'ignore forum section' option so I don't need see this (or other forums I don't care about) on the 'New Posts' page.

    I can already ignore PvP in-game fairly easily. Please give me a way to avoid it on the New Posts page.

    Edit: Perhaps I'll make another Greasemonkey script.
    Edit2: Made a DDO Ignore Forum script that hides the PvP and Suggestions forums from the New Posts page. My needs are now met, I'm unsubscribing from this thread.
    Last edited by Backley; 06-21-2011 at 06:53 PM.
    Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
    If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)

  19. #139
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    PvP has no place in a Dungeons and Dragons game. Period.
    Well first off, thanks for not derailing every other thread discussing mechanics. Secondly, why do you feel this way?

    There are many reasons why people enjoy this mechanic. and the reasons are not counter-productive to any other aspect of the game, other than dev time being spent tweaking it (which has been THE counter-argument to date).

    If anything, it needs to be left alone. The mechanics as-is have great potential for public and/or private events. The minor lobster tweaks that have been petitioned for, well..those are another subject.

    But I would warn ya - if PVP is going to be a pay to play thing, it'd better become a full blown mechanic of this game, which is going to upset a lot of people (including myself) which would be better off leaving as is.
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  20. #140
    Community Member stille_nacht's Avatar
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    in tabletop, PvP could be lots of fun :O, especially if we were doing squad vs. squad.

    course in ddo it isnt balanced at all, so just leave it. why have the devs waste time on something that affects no one else? some people talk in general chat while pvping, but you can just squelch them... (if youve never experienced this, that is because it only happnes on 2 servers often)
    adversity is something we face every day - for a true test, give someone power

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