So I am about to TR my Drow 18/2 PM Rogue splash. I've loved playing him and had a lot of fun. Evasion and UMD raising dead healers in a pinch as well as my versatility in being the trapper who can mass hold, etc. It's gotten me into several groups looking only for a trapper rogue where otherwise I'd have been left by the wayside. However sadly for higher level Epics even I realize my DCs are too low. I have no ToD rings yet due to lousy luck getting boot mats so my DCs are only about 37-38. This keeps me out of Epic Chrono and makes me to nervous to join Epic sands on my caster for fear of blowing it for the whole party.
So I am ready to TR, ToD rings or not. I originally went Drow for the poor mans extra point build, but am saddened by the fact that TR'd Drow are still only 32 points as opposed to other races. I have read many posts about which race is better and even tried an older version of a builder. I compared a TR'd human 34 point build to a post from someone who built a drow and they showed a 27 top Int (Though I don't think they counted the capstone somehow) with a +2 Int tome and I got mine to 31 (that's with Capstone or 29 without) and using a +2 tome or to even things out 32 with a +3 tome.
Everyone says Drow have the highest int even as a single TR from what I think I've read so what gives? Have I done this wrong? To end the debate once and for all is it possible if anyone is good or enjoys the builder (I'm really slow with it) to post three identical builds for human, drow and elf so we can see for once who would have the highest DC and Spell Pen? I recognize that there might be some racial differences that would promote one build to be made slightly different to enhance that racial feature, but every time I see a build it seems it's apples and oranges. The clarify the build should be spec'd for GSF in Necro and Enchant. Pure Wizard PM build. I will probably make it ice and force damage based for an end build. Though acid seems nice too. It's good we can play with this every 3 days.
Let's make this the definitive thread and end the discussion once and for all!!! (BTW thanks in advance)