I was just creating a new character, and was once again skipping any points in heal or repair (as, really, they are wasted), and considering the Diehard feat (also a waste).

That in turn leads to why the skills do not work well - which is simple - they are faithfully translated from Pen and Paper, in a game where everything else is massively inflated (HP and Damage).

Rather than suggest alternatives (of which there are many) to the feat uses, it would be more simple and direct to balance them according to the starting feat (Heroic Durability). Simply add +20 HP to each skill.

If you have heal or repair, it would work like tumble or UMD (must have ranks trained), and then you would get 20HP plus the modified when resting at a shrine. Not game breaking, and brings the skills in line (at least a little) with the game standard.

Past low levels, as monsters are hitting WAY harder than the -10/death standard, the same 20HP should be added to the Diehard feat - meaning if you have diehard it is an automatic stabilize, and you can go to -30/death.

Simple changes that bring balance to two skills and one feat that could use a little love.