If they ban it in the tavern for pvp players then it may come back to haunt all the divines next festival. Think about it. almost any spell that is not allowed in tavern brawls is not allowed in the festival wilderness. That will suck if we don't have Dp in any future fests. kinda like how we do not have blade barrier.
I could care less about pvp. if banning it improves everyones fun then so be it. but as long as it does not effect the 95 % of players who do not pvp.
Born to play, Forced to work !
Best solution is to have a melee only PvP pit, one under the effects of a beholder anti-magic aura all the time.
Add, also, the fact that Arcane casters get TWO elemental versions of DP that each stack three times, and can both be used on top of each other without chance to save, dodge, or counter it (short of Pale Lavender Ioun stones, which almost never drop). It's funny how people scream "NERF DP IT'S OVER POWERED!!!", yet they seem to ignore the elemental versions of this spell that arcane casters get.
If DP should be nerfed/removed, so should Niac's Biting cold, and Eladar's electric surge.
Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien
Fernian Summer Carnival
I use an ioun stone so DP spammers dont bother me...
it's still overpowered and shouldnt be allowed.
you keep bringing this exact same point up, and im trying to understand why. spell absorption is the only form of protection from it, there are many forms of protection versus a polar ray.
what exactly are you getting at here, that post-u9 people should just all have ioun stones?
agreed, as made said a few times the arcane DOT's should be lumped in with this.
Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.
No, it takes one casting. Really. Any class that can't self heal very well is dead on one casting, guaranteed. Any class that can needs to be constantly spamming heals to stay full because one crit will kill them. It's like Arcane Archers: all they have to do is target you, hold down the left mouse button, and wait for a Slayer arrow to proc. But AAs can't get a quarter of the DPS of a DP unless they're manyshotting, which is why (although they are a really strong class for it) AAs are not the be all and end all of PvP. And of course AAs must maintain LoS constantly whereas a DP just needs to hit once.
Compared to Polar Ray, it's much harder to avoid; blocking LoS is your only real hope if you don't have all kinds of spell absorption charges.
Fully agreed (but that's really for a different thread). Of course, those spells aren't nearly as bad since elemental resists/protections for them exist and can prevent a lot of damage.
Everyone uses DP in the PVP arena, its just a matter of when they "choose" to use it. Not ****ing Divines off in PVP is like saying Arnold Schwarzenegger doesnt fool around with House staff. PVP is kill or be killed mentality with few mutual respects for another player.
The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=209152 Pic of Me, Post# 332 http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=163146&page=9
I'm in Thelanis with Al, and I enjoy PvP because you learn from it. It's made me a much better caster, instead of just sitting there hoping to heal quick enough with Death Aura, I now know how to run like Forrest Gump. But the problem lies not in the spells, but in the jerks who cast them. Seeing as you can't fix dumb/jerk, the next best step is to remove the spells. DoT's in theory were a good idea, but the problem is that Divine Punishment is unblockable. (assume no Spell-Absorbtion). Any of the FvS/Cleric light-based or good based spells cannot be blocked. You can't cast Resist: Holy or Resist: Light, so their spell will do unblockable damage, and to melees, who can't heal except a 30 HP pot every few seconds, that isn't fair.
Along with the new 5,000 Lightning Savant sorcs who also spam Eledar's, there just seems to be no rhyme or reason to PvP anymore.
It is my opinion that you should allow players with respectable personalities to assume control or VOTE on PvP, since you guys don't seem to put forth the effort into controlling it. (not insulting)
Every single spell should be enabled. There, I said it.
Also mass charm should make people search for a rope and hang themselves off the ladders in lobster. Do this please.
Divine punishment also takes 10 charges of an ioun stone, while it is a lvl 5 spell. What's the deal with that?
P.s. I've already suggested a lot of these things recently.
DP is exactly what Divines needed, in pve and pvp alike.
Just today I'm in the pit with my lvl 18 dwarf melee/strbased pure cleric. its really slow noone in the pit. A 20 elf AA jumps down and we size each other up. i'm up front near the ladder and he takes the back row. i switch out my greataxe for a mith tower shield and potency scepter, just for such an occasion, and switch on the aura. no action. ok fine, i hang out for another minute, bored, decide to leave. boom, ganked with a slayer arrow on the ladder.
ok heal up, buff up, ac gear on, quicken/max/empowerheal on, jump down and i'm greeted with a barrage of manyshot. i turtle up. ac is 52 blocking. about 1/3 of the shots miss the rest deal maybe 1-5 damage after shield dr. he cant get passed my aura, no damage is taken. he's bouncing laterally along the back edge but im still relaxed, dont move, just blocking waiting for my window. out of nowhere i'm stunned. keeping the block on, i spin around, and see some 20 monk just stunned me while jumping off the ledge from behind. so he's start tee'ing off on my face while i'm getting arrows in the back. i'm blocking, aura is going, but i'm taking damage. down to about 1/2 life when the stun wears off, i immediately blast the monk with Divine Punishment and turtle back up. One tick takes half his life. I know he's done for so I turn back to the AA. I hit myself with a Heal, back to full, back behind the shield. Monk is punching me in the back, second tick, he's a ghost.
AA still jumping around in the back. I think manyshot is down. Hard to tell since I'm still seeing all sorta of combat scroll up my screen which I know some is from the dead monk still. I fire off a Harm + Cometfall in quick succession. The smoke clears, he's still standing, but he's at maybe 10% life. He bounds towards me, still shooting. I know he's going for the ledge. I get off a Divine Punishment as he closes in. Boom, dead on the first tick. He immediately logs off.
I climb the ladder. Ask the monk if he wants to go one-on-one. He declines.