sigh.If an opponent can manage to land a single spell with a 10 second cooldown on you 3 times in a row, then they deserve to kill you. If you have a serious problem killing a FvS within 20-ish seconds, then your problem might be FvS wings and not Divine Punishment. Since wings are the most fun thing about the FvS class, I'd really hate to see them lose that in the PvP pits. Wings are not a problem in PvP since it slows you down. And by that i mean you can't heal while flying, you can't attack.. all you can do is fly. And while your flying i have plenty of time to cast spells on you. So really wings aren't a problem here.
Also, I have little faith that changes made to the spell would only take place in the PvP pits, so I would prefer no changes to the spell itself - either inside the pits or outside. I would be disappopinted if the spell were turned off in PvP, but I would be disgusted to see the spell changed because of PvP. Changing the spell for pvp would be a bad idea, blocking it otherwise would be great.
Finally, I think that it's wrong for *ANY* class ability or spell to be disabled in PvP. I don't ask you to promise not to hit below the belt when you go into a bar fight. Why should your character be crippled in an area of DDO just because someone else can't beat you in a fight? So your saying that we should be allowed to use FW/BB in the pits?? Thats pure madness.
You say that it's not fair for Divine Punishment to work the way that it does in PvP. I say that it's not fair for all of the other spells and abilities that were turned off to NOT work in PvP.
Therigar came up with the only reason to turn off spells/abilities that I think is reasonable and that's just to make sure that PvP doesn't negatively impact PvE play by creating too much lag.