This Guild has been here from the very begining, We are looking to add some adault players who can at least run 10 hours a week. If your a casual player who would like to take the next step our guild is just right for you. Our High lvl long time players will guide you thru the games quest teaching you along the way. We will tell you how your build will need to be so that in the endgame your at the top of your game. we can show you were & how to get the must have loot/gear. If your looking at the quest board & dont join a group because you dnt know the quest or dont think you have the right gear to survive..or just dont have the nerve yet..join us! we will make you a confidant toon.

Wer are also looking for other Guilds that we can merge into our guild..the goal is to have our members running quest with just makes things much more dnt need to get a lucky roll to get the good loot.
if you want the madstone boots we will have a guild run & you have 12 chances to get the boots! (every three days). We schedule raid runs during the week as well.
Please reply to this post, or look for Healina & Kirrith on Khyber! feel free to drop me some mail as well if you have any questions.

Thanks & Adventure Well!
Healina Everfine