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  1. #1
    Community Member ormsbygore's Avatar
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    Default What to do with unwanted Shards.

    You can buy junk items from General/Weapon/Armor Vendors, such as in the Harbor or Marketplace. Use the Disjunction Material on them to make them Craftable. Craft a useless shard onto it, that you'll never use otherwise. Then deconstruct the effect you just put onto it to get a little bit of a return on the matts you spent to make the shard in the first place.

    At least it's a way to get rid of all the shards you're never going to use right?

    Step by Step - How to get matterials back from unwanted crafting shards for dummies.

    Step 1: Go to the "Crafting Hall" inside House K

    Step 2: Buy a stack of "Dust of Disjunction"(purchase value of 24.318pp) from either "Courtney d'Cannith or Reginald Belspry"

    Choose either Step 3a or 3b
    Step 3a: Go to the "Hammer and Chain" in the Harbor(for Weapon blanks)...skip to step 4a

    Step 3b: Go to "Blank" in the Marketplace Tent(for Armor Blanks)...skip to step 4b

    Step 4a: Purchase any number of either Clubs or Quarterstaves(cheapest at 1cp purchase price) from "Fergus Blasko <Melee Weapon Vendor>"

    Step 4b: Purchase any number of Robes(cheapest at 1.16gp purchase price) from "Raef Larksong <General Vendor>"

    Step 5: Go back to the "Crafting Hall" in House K

    Step 6: Approach one of the "Item Deconstruction" Crafting Devices

    Step 7: Place into the device your stack of "Dust of Disjunction" and one of your choosen "Items"(Robes/Club/Quarterstaff), then Deconstruct

    Step 8: Repeat step 7 untill all of the "Items" you purchased are "Craftable", once you're done move on to step 9

    Step 9: Approach on of the "Crafting Device - Bound Items" Crafting Devices

    Step 10: Remove from one of your Ingredents bags one of the many shards you never intend on using

    Step 11: Place the "Shard" mentioned in step 10 and one of the "Craftable Items" you've created into the device, make sure the two items are compatable, then Craft

    Step 12: Repeat step 11 untill you exhaust the current stack of unwanted shards

    Step 13: Then repeat steps 10 and 12 untill all the "Items" you've purchased are imbued with one single ability

    Step 14: Buy a stack of both "Parfett's Leading Dissolver"(purchase value of 2.895pp) and "Lorinda's Ultimate Remover"(purchase value of 2.316pp) from either "Courtney d'Cannith or Reginald Belspry"

    Step 15: Approach one of the "Item Deconstruction" Crafting Devices

    Step 16: Place one of your "Crafted Items" into the device, then choose the option that requires either "Parfett's Leading Dissolver" or "Lorinda's Ultimate Remover", and Deconstruct (DO NOT choose the option that requires "Dust of Disjunction", that would defeat the purpose of this exercise)

    Step 17: Repeat step 16 untill all of the "Items" you've crafted have been deconstructed

    That Step-by-Step is conveluted and long, but should be noob-proof if followed correctly(should be...hehe).

    This process can be extremely time consuming(but totally worth it). I think it takes me ~15-20 minutes to go through ~40 Items, not including time to purchase matterials(that's making all the items craftable, then crafting shards onto them, then deconstructing them).

    Purchased +1 items from the House K Armor Vendors or the House D Weapon Vendors CAN NOT be Deconstructed. If you try to deconstruct such an item you will recieve an error message that reads:

    "(Error): Only equipment originally found as treasure or received as rewards is craftable. (Named items and vendor purchased items are not craftable.)"

    I did not however recieve this message from items purchased from the Weapon/Armor Vendors in the Harbor, or Items purchased from the General Vendor in the Marketplace.The only two items I've tested so far are Clubs(purchase value of 1gp) and Robes(purchase value of 1pp).

    I hope this wasn't too confusing to read. But was easy to understand, and I hope it helps. Please let me know if you have any questions or anything similar that you would like to share.

    Last edited by ormsbygore; 05-10-2011 at 10:41 AM.
    Harmonious Balance: ~Nimzaraka~, ~Nimalika~, ~Nimfu~, ~Pseudonim~, Nimhish, ...more Nim's in other places
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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    If you spend that time running quests instead, you'll end up with more crafting materials in the same amount of time, in addition to your brain feeling less numb.

    Better to just scrap garbage shards.

  3. #3
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    From a time + plat per xp return I'm not sure that is very cost efficient.

    Like above poster said, better (and more fun) to just quest and get some stuff.

  4. #4
    Community Member kyleann's Avatar
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    Blasphemy! Crafting is a chore and should be done before you get to have any fun! You created the shards so you better be cleaning them up. Don't you dare thrown them in the trash, mister! We recycle in this house whether you like it or not! Now, get out side and go get some clubs. What you standing around looking like an idiot for? Didn't I tell you to do something?? Well?!?

    If I come home and see you haven't finished your crafting I'm gonna whomp you upside that empty noggin of yours with every one of them clubs you haven't keyed yet!
    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM View Post
    It is good forever*!

    *forever ends at a time of our choosing

  5. #5
    Community Member ormsbygore's Avatar
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    True, and Agreed.

    So far I've found myself doing this in the morning when I wake up and am bored, when I don't have time for a quest, or when I'm waiting for a raid to fill. I would not suggest this as a major priority when it comes to time spent in the game. But if you have time to waste(like I do), why not?
    Last edited by ormsbygore; 05-10-2011 at 11:18 AM.
    Harmonious Balance: ~Nimzaraka~, ~Nimalika~, ~Nimfu~, ~Pseudonim~, Nimhish, ...more Nim's in other places
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  6. #6
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    I'd rather just save them until they allow direct deconstruction of shards. I throw some of the smallest stacks out if my bag gets full, but still have a bunch.

  7. #7
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkyle View Post
    I'd rather just save them until they allow direct deconstruction of shards. I throw some of the smallest stacks out if my bag gets full, but still have a bunch.
    I save mine too unless I run out of space. You never know when they might allow something useful to be done with them.

  8. #8
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    I agree with those who say don't bother
    In the beginning I was re-using the shards on 1 copper clubs + deconstructing -> it's very dull and will eventually make your brain turn to mush.
    Instead just run quests and watch your essences pile up as you go. You'll end up with thousands in your bag over time -along with even more junk loot.

    I'd also keep the shards because of the planned Shard deconstruction mentioned in this developer quote

  9. #9
    Community Member fluffybunnywilson's Avatar
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    MadFloyd said that we will be able to deconstruct shards directly in an upcoming update. Nothing has been released to Llamaland, so that's obviously not happening very soon, but hopefully sooner than "Soon(tm)".

  10. #10
    Community Member ormsbygore's Avatar
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    Yeah, I heard about the upcomming ability to directly deconstruct shards...but I want to get rid of them now. I'm not willing to spend the TP on the UBER ingredents bag, and both my large bags were full, so I came up with a way to get a little bit of a return from what I've already crafted.

    Basically spending ~27pp(per shard) and some time, to get back what ~1/12 to ~1/3(rough numbers...I'm just guessing) of the matterials spent on creating the junk shards. So far the shards I've been deconstructing are considered level1-2 bonuses. I'm getting either 1 Greater Essences or 2-4 Lesser Essences from the level1 shards, or 1-3 Greater Essences or 3-10 Lesser Essences for the level 2 shards. Most of the level1 shards cost 1G/4L-3G/16L and most of the level2 shards cost 1G/4L-6G/64L.(through out leveling my crafting I've tried to stick with the 1/4 or 3/16 recepies even if it means 90-75% sucess rate)

    ***Also in the process of Ransacking multiple characters in the shroud for trash loot to deconstruct. So I'm not making deconstructing shards a high priority in my crafting, just a way to free up space when bored.
    Last edited by ormsbygore; 05-10-2011 at 11:52 AM.
    Harmonious Balance: ~Nimzaraka~, ~Nimalika~, ~Nimfu~, ~Pseudonim~, Nimhish, ...more Nim's in other places
    DDOCast Build Guild: Limm Dul the Necromancer
    My Builds: The Thriller - Melee Shapeshifter(broken) - Battle Sniper

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