Strength of a Barb, Speed of a Monk, and the ability to do epic Traps!

Versatility. DDO is full of it. There is no best no number one how ever with the right player, the right gear, and the right build you can achieve top-notch Dps, survivability, and tactics. I have came up with the following build, that has the tactics of a pure kensai III fighter, strength of a barb, and speed of a monk. All rolled into a big ball that can handle epic traps while self healing via UMD Heal scrolls. No more "Hjeal me im raging!!

Top priority of this build? To achieve top notch dps, high hps, all around high saves, tactics and the ability to handle epic traps. Having played this build at cap and approaching 20 raid completions I am thrilled with the way it performs and wouldn't want to play another melee build for epics/end game. It can do it all.

Top Priorities
  • DPS, DPS, DPS. its just cool.
  • Hitpoints. I dont care if your dps is 1 million. if your a squish, you cant be doing your dps because your dead.
  • Traps. extra xp is always helpful. Its also nice to be able to know that you can take on %90 of quests and no that you can handle any traps/locked chests that may occur.
  • Tactics. even with the recent nerf to stunned mobs not being auto-crit. the mob being rendered helpless still helps yourself out and your party.

  • Dps
  • High Hp
  • Tactics
  • Traps
  • To hit for epics
  • Great Saves
  • Rogue haste boost IV +Barb sprint boost for greater running speed

  • Not as high of Dps compared to fighter/barb when compared to mobs with %50+ fort.
  • Not tanking material.


STR = 62 [20 + 5(Lvl), 3(Tome), 7(Item) 3(Exc.), 4(enhancement), 6(Titans), 2(Rage Spell), 2 (Yugoloth) 2(Madstone) 2(Guild) [+4 tome + Greater Abishai Might would be +4 for sustained 62 ]
DEX = 26 15+2(tome)=6(item)+2(enhance)+1(exc)
CON = 36 14 +3 (Tome), 6(Item) 3(Exc.), 2(Rage Spell), 2 (Yugoloth), 2 (ship), 4(Madstone), +4 (rage)
INT = 16 8 +2 (Tome), 6 (Item)
WIS = 10 8 +2 (Tome), 6 (Item)
CHA = 14 6 +2 (Tome), 6 (Item)

Feats & Level Progression

Level 1 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting

Level 2 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons

Level 3 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack

Level 4 (Fighter)

Level 5 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons

Level 6 (Fighter)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness / Pally PL/ Barb PL/ Monk PL

Level 7 (Fighter)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Weapon Fighting

Level 8 (Rogue)

Level 9 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons

Level 10 (Rogue)

Level 11 (Rogue)

Level 12 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Stunning Blow

Level 13 (Rogue)

Level 14 (Rogue)

Level 15 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting

Level 16 (Rogue)
Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Opportunist

Level 17 (Rogue)

Level 18 (Rogue)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness

Level 19 (Rogue)
Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Crippling Strike

Level 20 (Barbarian)

Hit Points
20 Base
104 Rogue
12 Barb
60 Fighter
30 Barb PL (Passive+Chose)
240 Con
45 Shroud
10 Agent of Argo
30 GFL
20 Tough item
20 Yugoloth
22 Tough
30 tough enh.
643 Hp

To Hit
20 BAB (Madstone)
26 Str
5 Weapon
1 Haste
1 Kensai
2 Shintao
4 GH
4 Epic Spectral Gloves
-4 2wf with no oversize
-10 PA

= +48 with a +5 Weapon and PA switched on.


10 Base
26 Str
2 Fighter Enh.
1 Kensai

= 39 DC without weighted – 49 with.

*This is enough to get %75 of all epic mobs, rendering them helpless. aka increasing dps.


*Props out to Nick with the blitz build for heavily contributing to the layout of this build.

Endgame 1
Head - Epic Helm of Frost/Red Dragon helm) w/ GFL
Necklace - Shintao / Kensai
Trinket - Epic Bloodstone/Litany
Cloak - Epic envenomed Cloak w/slotted Toughness
Goggles - Tharnes/Greensteel HP Item
Gloves - Epic Gloves of the Claw
Belt - Ravager An important note :
Boots - Epic Boots of Corrosion /Madstone
Bracers Epic Bracers of the ClawR1 - Ravager w/ +2 exc Str
R2 - Shintao/Kensai w/ +20% Healing Amp
Body - Epic Mari Chain/Red Dragonscale. w/slotted Luck and + 6Dex

Endgame 2
head: epic Helm of Frost with poison immunity
neck: triple earth shroud crafted necklace with +45 hps
trinket: bloodstone
cloak: epic Envenomed Cloak with heavy fort
belt: Colethenis's belt (ravager set)
ring 1: Ravager ring with +2 exceptional STR
ring 2: Oremi ring with +2 exceptional CON
gloves: epic Charged Gauntles with disease immunity
boots: epic Boots of Corrosion with +6 dex and luck (with swap to Madstone boots for clicky and procs)
bracers: epic Scorched Bracers with toughness
goggles: tharnes googles
armor: DT armor with GFL, corrosive salt guard, and Tharnes

Leveling up gear

H – Minos Legens (Toughness, Heavy Fort – 20 tapestries from Necro 4)
N – Kensai Necklace (2 more boosts - Get this from the raid itself as you are grinding for you’re rings)
T – Bloodstone -must
C - +4/5 resist
Be – Frenzied bezerker belt (+6 con GFL )
Bo - +6 dex/Madstone
Br – Bracers of the Claw (Don’t be ashamed to wear just the basic set - +2 dmg is nice)
R2 – Ring of venom – Sneak attack
Gl – Gloves of the Claw (Same comment as bracers)
Goggles – Crafted HP item. in substitute of tharnes
Body – DT

Primary Weapons
My primary weapons are LitII kopeshes. ( base + sneak attack per hit, power attack, crits, ravager set damage, 600+ damage lighting procs, 100 damage charged gauntlets on 20s, bard songs) and I swing very fast.

I have minII and radiance weapons when needed,

Saves/Rogue Skills to come later. getting late

comments and feedback appreciated
