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  1. #1

    Default It's about time I did this...

    *drum roll*
    Hey everyone, I'm sure most of you don't really know me, some may though. What I wanted to say is that I'm quitting, forever. Now I know what you're thinking. "lol sure you'll be back soon". But no, I'm making sure there is no way I will ever come back. There's no point playing a MMO when you are alone all the time. Also, there is really nothing left to do/discover in this game and I've had enough of grinding exp/gear.

    I sold all the bound gear/raid loot/etc I had to a NPC vendor. I deleted one of my two characters already, my wizard. Yes, deleted along with all the nice loot it had, including, but not only, LoTD, Staff of the Petitionner, Noxious Embers, 7-Fingered Gloves, many GS items, etc. Oh and I also had 3 TRs on the Wizzy, and 7 TRs on the main guy =]

    Now you may be thinking "cool story, bro" and "can I have your stuff". Well actually, yes you can! What's left that is unbound anyway...

    So, I kept stuff I considered to have "some" value and I'm gonna be giving stuff away. It's probably all **** to all your uber geared people out there, but might be useful to some.

    Before I present the whole list, I would like this to be a giveaway to people that really have a use for the stuff I have to give. Don't be a ******bag and just ask for something so you can sell it or trade it for something else.

    So, I'm gonna be online for a few hours, starting right now, in front of the bank in market-1. Send me a tell with what you could USE and we'll make this work (I will only trade! Show some appreciation and move your ass to me to get your stuff hehe ^_^)

    And now the list (with categories OMG!)

    -Dwarven Thrower (gone)
    -Muck's Doom (gone)
    -Skullsmasher (gone)
    -Phase Hammer (gone)

    Many blank, small, medium, large ingredients (all gone)

    Thousands of U9 crafting essences (all gone)

    -Vambraces of Inner Light (gone)
    -Docent of Defiance (gone)

    -Planar Gird (gone)
    -Planar Gird (gone)

    -Ring of Baphomet (gone)
    -Ancient Band (gone)

    -Jorgundal's Collar (gone)

    -Chainmail Coif (gone)

    -Backstabber's Gloves (gone)

    -Bracers of the Hunter (gone)

    -Surefooted Boots (gone)
    -Firestorm Greaves (gone)
    -Boots of the Innocent (gone)
    -Boots of the Innocent (gone)

    Epic Scrolls:
    -Gloves of the Falcon (gone)
    -Hyena Claw Necklace (gone)
    -Shard of Vollun (gone)
    -Silken Mail (gone)

    -100 Potions of Haste (gone)
    -52 Major Mnemonic (gone)

    -100 Scrolls of Resurrection (gone)
    -81 Scrolls of Reconstruct (gone)
    -89 Scrolls of Greater Restoration (gone)

    -Large Gem Bag (gone)
    -Flawless Siberys Dragonshard (gone)
    -4 Exceptionnal Siberys Dragonshards (gone)
    -Shield: Fragment Eight (gone)
    -8 Shreds of Tapestry (gone)
    -4 White Dragon Scales (Gone)
    -Flawless Red (gone)
    -Black Scale (gone)
    -2.4mil plats (gone)
    Last edited by Ilindith; 05-10-2011 at 12:15 AM.

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