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  1. #1
    Community Member PwnHammer40K's Avatar
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    Exclamation Please improve the utility of the Bladesworn Transformation

    The Warforged's Bladesworn Transformation, for Paladins/Favored Souls/Clerics, is probably the least practical Faith-based ability, mostly due to its long cooldown, which is made worse when you consider its downsides.

    The buffs it provides are perfectly fine. Even the detrimental effects aren't so bad. That damned cooldown, however, renders it next to useless.

    You might argue that it can provide extra DPS during a boss beatdown, but.. Do you really want to be immune to divine healing during a boss fight?

    Does anyone ever actually even take that costly (4 AP) Enhancement other than out of curiosity? Even if you needed an Advanced Belief as part of the requirements for something else (i.e. Knight of the Chalice) you're better off with Unyielding Sovereignty.

    PLEASE make one (or more) of the following changes:
    • Reduce the cooldown to 5 minutes instead of 10.

    • Reset the cooldown upon Resting, Death, and Quest Completion.

    • Increase the duration of the transformation, and make it cancelable.

    • Change it to a multi-tier Enhancement line, with increasing benefits and decreasing cooldowns at levels 6, 12, and 18. An interesting Racial-based complement to Class-based Prestiges, similar to Arcane Archer for H/Elves.

    • Introduce a new optional Enhancement line that lets us reduce the cooldown further, down to 2 minutes or even less if we wanted to invest the extra AP in. This should make for some interesting WF DPS builds which relied on the Transformation all the time, at the cost of being able to get any heals.

    Thank you.
    Last edited by PwnHammer40K; 05-12-2011 at 02:08 AM. Reason: removed misunderstanding re: healing vs. repairs

  2. #2
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    I agree that it needs some help.

    I think it should have a smaller cooldown, or use turn undeads and have a longer duration.

    It should get stronger as your palidin goes up in levels. Or allow more tiers of it.

    If you cannot be healed, then you should get some dr boosting (profane so it stacks) AC boosting (again profane), and elemental damage mitigation. I also think you should be immune to holds while in this mode.

  3. #3
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    Default useless.. not so much

    I agree the cooldown is rediculous but the effect being useless I think not in VOD. For example if you are main tanking your not gonna be healed anyways. You will only get repaired. Yes it has its limited uses but when used right not useless. /not signed
    Warforged Durability- "Takes a licklin and keeps on tickin."

  4. #4
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    Unfortunately, it's a pre-req for AoV II with WF.

    The way I see it, it's a decent trade-off for the pewpew shoulder cannon and aura.

    I think I've used it once for novelty and never touched it again.

    Being able to cancel it like Dismiss rage would be quite useful.
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  5. #5
    Community Member fyrst.grok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ayondie View Post
    I agree the cooldown is rediculous but the effect being useless I think not in VOD. For example if you are main tanking your not gonna be healed anyways. You will only get repaired. Yes it has its limited uses but when used right not useless. /not signed
    Never been in VOD with a wf tank getting repaired..

    Fact is it's a useless enhancement for anything but a paladin VOD tank and now it's a requirement for the fvs evoker prestige..


    I have a few threads on the subject as well.. Both the transformation and the ridicolous fvs capstone shield spell.

  6. #6
    Community Member fyrst.grok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    I agree that it needs some help.

    I think it should have a smaller cooldown, or use turn undeads and have a longer duration.

    It should get stronger as your palidin goes up in levels. Or allow more tiers of it.

    If you cannot be healed, then you should get some dr boosting (profane so it stacks) AC boosting (again profane), and elemental damage mitigation. I also think you should be immune to holds while in this mode.
    Using turn undead attemps wont work for the fvs's

    Like the DR idea or change the capstone to cure light wounds or at least add cannith pots similar to silver flame pots in the next update.

  7. #7
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    the madstone-like affect that does not allow you to cast spells while it is active is acceptable. the 'immunity to divine healing' is a bit overkill for the small benefit it gives you. Even if it just made you resistant to divine healing (lowered your healing amp temporarily) would be better than just flat-out immune.
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  8. #8
    Community Member fyrst.grok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    the madstone-like affect that does not allow you to cast spells while it is active is acceptable. the 'immunity to divine healing' is a bit overkill for the small benefit it gives you. Even if it just made you resistant to divine healing (lowered your healing amp temporarily) would be better than just flat-out immune.
    At least a toggle.. The way it is now it's attempted suicide and groupkill on a FVS/pally tank if the caster dies.

  9. #9
    Community Member SiliconShadow's Avatar
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    I mean even the lord of blades himself can cast spells! He is a damned artificer..

    /signed improove it so we can use it.
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  10. #10
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    1 charge per rest would be fine, and even then it would go largely unused due to the huge penalty.

    In fact I suggest reducing the penalty to 50% healing, adding a 1 charge per rest reset, AND having it allow spellcasting but at half-speed or with a huge concentration penalty or some such.
    Eulogy- oh ninety eight

  11. #11
    Community Member fyrst.grok's Avatar
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    Somehow I find it odd that it comes with almost the same downsides as undead form for Pm, but nothing to make up for it..

    Why not make it a toggle that cost spellpoints like said undead form?

  12. #12
    Community Member WangoFett's Avatar
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    Bladesworn Transformation should be changed to allow one to toggle out of it if divine healing is needed urgently.
    Leave the 100% divine healing penalty.
    Add more classes that can repair and should have plenty of opportunity to do so (Artificer).
    Perhaps reduce the cooldown to 5 minutes.

    In my opinion.

  13. #13
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Utility wise I kept bladesworn around while leveling for quite a while as it was an excellent boost to use when I knew a beholder fight was coming up.

    Antimagic stops healing so the only thing that mattered was that the beholder died before I did. Full BAB in particular and the other bonuses too made Bladesworn quite valuable for that.

  14. #14
    Community Member Jeromio's Avatar
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    On my melee FVS, I find it to be a little bit useful when fighting the ship dummy. Apart from that, I never use it (was forced to take it to get my shoulder cannon).

    It really is a waste of 4 enhancement points as it's currently implemented, and is in need of some dev love for improvement.
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  15. #15
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    What I would have liked out of the ability is to have it made much weaker but be more like a "toggle". Turn it on, it stays on until disabled. Can only be healed with repairs but have the power of bladesworn for as long as you like.

    Obviously it would have to get a nerf to the bonuses it gives, but that would be my ideal for Bladesworn i think.
    Eulogy- oh ninety eight

  16. #16
    Community Member Bosco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    I also think you should be immune to holds while in this mode.
    Only warforged can select this enhancement. Warforged are already immune to hold.

  17. #17
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    we do know they're looking at tweaking tenser's (they've said so). maybe this will get some changes to make it a bit more viable as well.

  18. #18
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    The use for this 4AP enhancement is very limited.

    As is, lack of divine healing on people who use divine healing seems that if they were going to keep the enhancement as is, it should make the wielder immune to physical harm (90%)- Not magic- or Grant very high regin for a short period of time (non-divine) to reflect being an engine of destruction.

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  19. #19
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    I thought lay on hand worked while in this mode. If so, why is it an issue that you can't have others heal you when you can heal yourself?

  20. #20
    Community Member Standal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    I thought lay on hand worked while in this mode. If so, why is it an issue that you can't have others heal you when you can heal yourself?
    It's also an option for WF clerics/FVS. No LOH for them.

    Not having played a WF paladin or with a repairing arcane, my idea of improving this enhancement on my FVS is to reduce the duration to 2s and extend the cooldown to 72 hours. That way if I accidentally trigger it, I won't be punished for long and I won't have the opportunity to make the same mistake for a while.

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