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  1. #41
    Hatchery Hero Aedra1's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    Piking isn't fun. It essentially turns the raid into a chore. Give pikers something to do! I'm fine with raids becoming harder because that can be balanced out by increasing loot chances.


    Ice - remove DI and waterwalk hacks. Make people do it the old fashion way (*but teleport all the dead people in the water to the top at the end!). Rocks - Increase duration, increase amount and speed of asteroids. Make rock conservation an issue.

    Twilight Forge is ridiculously long and not hard at all. People put off joining to do something else while others clear the way, and then try to join at the last minute. It's silly. Make this quest a one-time flag.

    Titan Awakes: make multiple people required to run power, have multiple crystals required to "charge up" the laser. Allow possible completion even if all pillars fall and the Titan still has shield. (Maybe at that point, spawn tons of difficult mob and give the titan 95% DR instead of 100%.)

    Make it epic please!

    Ice: The old fasion way?
    Asteroids: When less than 4 go in it can be a challenge, when more than 4 go in and people get in the way there is a problem.
    Goggles: 1 blue square. REALLY!? and that's easy?

    I don't run this raid basically because I don't know this raid. Seldom run and when it is people tend to zerg through it. How are people supposed to learn something they can't figure out.

    At level this raid can be hard. I don't really think it needs to change so much as made epic.
    Still here.... Deal with it.

    I don't have an attitude problem, you just can't stand that I'm adorable.

  2. #42
    Community Member pHo3nix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aedra1 View Post

    At level this raid can be hard. I don't really think it needs to change so much as made epic.
    Hard at level? :O Maybe if you try to solo it on a rogue on his first life..any decent divine/arcane should be able to solo it at level without troubles. If you consider a full party doing it at level it's a joke anyway.
    Cannith: Hazrael--Nyal--Thalax

  3. #43
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by eonfreon View Post
    But they have a role. It's magically increasing the chance at Raid Lootz in the chest. It's a darn good and important role too!!!
    Which would work if they'd pass it to me instead of keeping it for themselves or putting it up for roll when we know I can't roll above 20.

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