WTT +5 Green Steel Great Crossbow for base items,Wondrous Oil,Ore of Travail,Yellow Taper.
Toon: Manakiin
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WTT +5 Green Steel Great Crossbow for base items,Wondrous Oil,Ore of Travail,Yellow Taper.
Toon: Manakiin
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I wonder.. is there anyone who even uses a great crossbow?
Astreya the Unturning
It's always a shame when the hammer of poor design choices smashes the fun of player tactical adaptation.
Sniper would use a bow, or possibly a repeater. Never a G. Crossbow unless they are going for an RP flavor build.
G. Crossbow sucks as a clickie because:
1) Its heavy, bad for low strength characters
2) It takes 2 weapon slots, which means you drop both things in your hands to use it.
3) Its a weapon, which means you need to switch out your weapon, use it, switch back, costing you attacks. Item clickies can just be left on to avoid losing so much DPS in crucial times.
Star Firefall
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