First pvp does bring the game money because its the WHOLE game I come to play, the fact the PVP is very poorly implimented in DDO does not mean it cant become something great.
PnP was always the equiv of PVP in an MMO. Why? Because you always had a thinking person behind the DM screen. Not only that, but in my experiance it was very typical for good RPers when not playing a pack of old friends, or loyal comrades,to turn on each other frequently because it was GOOD RP. Just as a paladin in sigil had to learn not to use his detect evil or throw down with every passing devil, it was about RPing the right attitude, and even best friends can, will, and at least occasionally SHOULD turn on each other for some piece of super loot.
This is why there are those here in DDO asking for more PVP content, because its also the real end game content in any MMO, and actually in any PnP game to. Did you like your characters to live to old age and die in thier sleep?
Not I, my characters always found a glorious end, typically in battle against another player character, over some fitting reason to battle even if it was an imagined slight to his honor.
Now to how they can make money with it? Are you serious? They could so easily drop in a system similar to GW1 and have at least something viable and fun. They could then sale 5 dollar a month PVP VIP subs for those only in the mood to PVP, who would gain access to making a character of any lvl and equip them with items drawn from the games named list of the right lvl, and allow pvpers to jump right in at each other.
Some PVE die hards say well PVP takes away from the game, or balance for PVP hurts PVE. It could, but just as easily and more likely it would improve it.
There are alot of things that people current see as NEEDS in PVE and even look down upon or refuse to play with people who dont or WONT abuse the easy to exploit power loot of this game. It is these things like for example heavy fort off the top of my head, which can all on its own negate the entire combat benefit of a rogue, or a kensai fighter, that create imabalance not just in PVP but also in PVE. I see how some say certain bonuses on weapons are to powerful if added on certain weapons. lvl drain on crit to a rapier for example. yet they dont see how heavy fort on any little item is very much worse for the game over all.
In my PnP group, it was interepreted that fort had to go on armor only, and fit the type of armor worn. so light armor for light fort, med armor for med fort etc. this kept the out right immunity to the bulkiest slowest and typically easiest to be hit low dex builds. Ive made suggestions like that here on the forums before and even had my rep bar hit heavily for suggesting that nerf to fort.
Yet imagine if suddenly EVERYONE and thier moms couldnt have heavy fort, if that was part of the advantage of being the heavy armor tank who as the pint man in battles truly does have a NEED for serious crit protection.
If it was rarer, then they could start making the dmg monsters deal be downed to something more reasonably resembling a fun fight rather then a if they hit me I die so thus CC and agro management are the keys to victory WOWtard style.
If you need to see a good simple effective way to balance pvp and pve, just look at GW1 which actually amazed many gamer amgs and players with its success in the shadow of WOW not just for the PVP core it was built upon, but also expanded into an amazing story driven pve campaign that was incredibly challenging, not due to hack and slash buff mechanics seen here in our so called end game, but through creating very dynamic tactical challenges, that allowed for dozens if not hundreds of variations in party builds to succeed.
This is why GW2 is on the horizen, and currently looks like the next great sword and sorcery MMO which since they dont charge a monthly fee, wont be any harder for me to invest in, then buying a 50 spot of DDO points as I currently do monthly to show support to turbine. However part of that support is meant to see DDOs PVP expand. if they dont and keep wasting all energy on content that gives no more then 2 or 3 play sessions worth of fresh fun before its just another grind, then DDO will lose my support and I have no doubt many others who keep trying to hope DDO is working on all fronts to become a GREAT game, instead of just an ok one with a niche.