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  1. #1
    Hero bando's Avatar
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    Default Change Raid Timer for VIP

    Here's a suggestion for moving some of the advanced Free to Play players back to VIP: actually give useful, desirable bonuses for paying the VIP fee each month.

    As a suggestion, change the raid timer so that VIP's can do a raid after 36 hours instead of 66.

    I would venture that there are a ton of long term players (like me) and went free to play and put down a few hundred dollars into TP to buy all the content and now never spend a nickle to support Turbine anymore. But, if i had the chance to run Shroud 3-4 times a week instead of twice, I might be induced to come back since there would be a significant bonus to being VIP.

    VIP's are the backbone of the system and I wouldn't begrudge them some nice perks for paying for me to play DDO (the current perks are meh and generally unnecessary for serious players.)

    With regard to VIP players suddenly becoming more powerful because they can grind out raids more frequently--so what? It doesn't make me a worse player or less happy if someone else is doing well and it certainly would be nice to be running with groups of players with better gear...

    Suggestions/comments welcome.

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    This would be a true benifit for vips just like the elite opening so yes but if they did then you would see the whiners saying they should be able to buy it in the store just like the want to buy the ability to open elite in the store.(yeah I know the one shots)

    anyways I would llike it for vips

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    This could be a good idea, not too OP'ed but a nice perk.

    Also putting in the store a 36 Hour (single shot) raid timer reduction (By raid I would wager) might be a great idea for Turbine to get some extra cash here and there.
    Last edited by Ungood; 05-07-2011 at 08:10 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Arshan's Avatar
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    I come whine
    This would totally unbalance the game, since VIP could then get everything twice faster and that some people, like me, just cannot be VIP due to my world location. It's not just a raid, it's where you loot your best stuff and so on.
    What about an option on the ddo store to buy epic ingredients directly for cash ?
    1000 TP the shard of the sword of shadow for example.
    If we extrapolate, it's basically the same.
    Of course that's my opinion of non vip player, but you have to realise that being VIP isn't only a matter of money possibilities, and that everyone cannot be VIP
    Tarnesh(GateauFRANCIS, Life 10/10+) / Thazok(GateauTUNES, Life 5/4) / Thaerom(GateauHJEALS, Life 3/3)
    Iccir's Badger Minsc and Boo approve this build

  5. #5
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Even when I was VIP, I was against this idea.
    Still am.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bando View Post
    Here's a suggestion for moving some of the advanced Free to Play players back to VIP: actually give useful, desirable bonuses for paying the VIP fee each month.

    As a suggestion, change the raid timer so that VIP's can do a raid after 36 hours instead of 66.

    I would venture that there are a ton of long term players (like me) and went free to play and put down a few hundred dollars into TP to buy all the content and now never spend a nickle to support Turbine anymore. But, if i had the chance to run Shroud 3-4 times a week instead of twice, I might be induced to come back since there would be a significant bonus to being VIP.

    VIP's are the backbone of the system and I wouldn't begrudge them some nice perks for paying for me to play DDO (the current perks are meh and generally unnecessary for serious players.)

    With regard to VIP players suddenly becoming more powerful because they can grind out raids more frequently--so what? It doesn't make me a worse player or less happy if someone else is doing well and it certainly would be nice to be running with groups of players with better gear...

    Suggestions/comments welcome.

    Excellent idea, that would be one reasons to actaully go vip.


  7. #7
    Community Member Arshan's Avatar
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    But it would totally unbalance the end game ! I spend more cash than most of the VIP would ever do it in ddo store and i'm not the only one who did that, and that totally breaks the meaning of the timer, and while in ddo the differences between F2P, F2P but store users and VIP are currently pretty well balanced, guaranting a nice game and no overpowering to those who pay a lot, this would kill the regulars runs...

    Anyway VIP already got this option : they have way more toons slot, and with more toons you can run more raids. Just dont be lazy and roll more alts, that reduces your raid timer, and that's the only good and fair way in my opinion.
    Tarnesh(GateauFRANCIS, Life 10/10+) / Thazok(GateauTUNES, Life 5/4) / Thaerom(GateauHJEALS, Life 3/3)
    Iccir's Badger Minsc and Boo approve this build

  8. #8
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arshan View Post
    But it would totally unbalance the end game ! I spend more cash than most of the VIP would ever do it in ddo store and i'm not the only one who did that, and that totally breaks the meaning of the timer, and while in ddo the differences between F2P, F2P but store users and VIP are currently pretty well balanced, guaranting a nice game and no overpowering to those who pay a lot, this would kill the regulars runs...

    Anyway VIP already got this option : they have way more toons slot, and with more toons you can run more raids. Just dont be lazy and roll more alts, that reduces your raid timer, and that's the only good and fair way in my opinion.
    how would it unbalance the game?

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #9
    Community Member Arshan's Avatar
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    Well, with a 36 hours timer, you can repeat the quest everyday, instead of every three days (even if it's only 2 days and half it is actually true that it corresponds basically to 3 days since we have to sleep and so on... ) but let's say if you can even reduce timer by half, then every VIP will be geared up pretty faster, and then a VIP member will be prefered to a casual Store user.
    I like the way the you can either be F2P or VIP, you have to grind the same way, it's just more "comfortable" as a VIP. The game in itself won't be properly speaking unbalanced, but the grinding will ! And raids are 50% of the end game content for many people. If you can grind 50% faster than usual player, then it's unbalanced, or at least unfair, cause i'm sure people who bought all the packs spent really more than many VIP.

    It's only a matter of point of view. You are VIP, it's good for you so you'll see the good points of it and totally underestimate what this can cause, and of course, as a basicaly F2P player, i find that totally unfair that people would be able to run twice more than me the runs i try to maintain always timer /on.
    Tarnesh(GateauFRANCIS, Life 10/10+) / Thazok(GateauTUNES, Life 5/4) / Thaerom(GateauHJEALS, Life 3/3)
    Iccir's Badger Minsc and Boo approve this build

  10. #10
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    Will it increase the amount of raids groups in the LFM?

    Will Turbine make more money in the long run or will this just be a shorter cash burst? Once you have most/all the gear you want, what now?
    Exiile --- Exalt --- Exception

  11. #11
    Community Member Dysmetria's Avatar
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    I don't see how they could justify adding anything new to the VIP perks after they have convinced so many former VIPs to go premium with the existing plans.

  12. #12
    Community Member TheSavage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bando View Post
    Here's a suggestion for moving some of the advanced Free to Play players back to VIP: actually give useful, desirable bonuses for paying the VIP fee each month.

    As a suggestion, change the raid timer so that VIP's can do a raid after 36 hours instead of 66.

    I would venture that there are a ton of long term players (like me) and went free to play and put down a few hundred dollars into TP to buy all the content and now never spend a nickle to support Turbine anymore. But, if i had the chance to run Shroud 3-4 times a week instead of twice, I might be induced to come back since there would be a significant bonus to being VIP.

    VIP's are the backbone of the system and I wouldn't begrudge them some nice perks for paying for me to play DDO (the current perks are meh and generally unnecessary for serious players.)

    With regard to VIP players suddenly becoming more powerful because they can grind out raids more frequently--so what? It doesn't make me a worse player or less happy if someone else is doing well and it certainly would be nice to be running with groups of players with better gear...

    Suggestions/comments welcome.
    As a premium player, I expect VIPs to get perks that I don't get. This, however, would be over the top. This is essentially adding VIP-only content, which will alienate a lot of the player base. It's a fine line they have to tread between making VIPs feel appreciated, but not giving *huge* advantages. I think they've walked that line fairly well with elite openings (actually a very nice perk that I haven't heard any complaints about...)
    On Orien: Ruprect the Monkey Boy lvl 16 Radiant Servant - Wilkes Booth lvl 20 Assassin - Schermo Savage lvl 14 Archmage - Monnik Savage - lvl 5 Monk (Life 2) - Saakaa Savage - lvl 6 Archmage

  13. #13
    Community Member barryman5000's Avatar
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    No no no!

    But really no.

    Did I say no?

    Vip's already get the best perk in the game, able to open anything on elite. I can run around any quest and open it on elite. That saves me alot of time.

    Imagine running a raid that you had to do normal, then hard, then elite. Thats 9 days of waiting. I want to run Demon Queen on elite today.

  14. #14
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    IMO, the raid timers just plain suck. For anyone. But, that's the system we have.. I'd like to see it change into no timers, or shortened timers for VIP's, and have DDO purchases that can reduce/eliminate them for those NOT VIP.

    There. Now everyone can win.
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  15. #15
    Community Member Krag's Avatar
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    Why not autocompletions and improved loot tables?
    Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer

  16. #16
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    I think your initial raid timer suggestion is too short.

    ATM all players can do a raid once ever 2.5 days, 60 hours IIRC. I would suggest dropping this to 2 days for VIP's and raising it to 3 days for none VIP's. Thats enough time to still make chain farming raids unreasonable but would give VIP's a huge advantage and us none VIP's would not be effected too much, I mean, how many people actually do their raid as soon as their timer is up??? Not many, at least not consistently.

  17. #17
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    Good idea to give it to VIP's and I also think it should be able to be purchased for non- VIP's.

  18. #18
    Community Member barryman5000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krag View Post
    Why not autocompletions and improved loot tables?
    Don't forget unlimited sp.

  19. #19
    Community Member Seosamh's Avatar
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    Default Three Words

    Never gonna happen.

    (Now that I've said that, it probably will...

  20. #20
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    well from 66 to 36 is a bit 2 much ... lets say from 66 to 56 or 51 I ll /sign that
    Quote Originally Posted by Vanshilar View Post
    Sure if you do all that you may end up with a 5% or 10% DPS increase over someone else who has "only" spent a couple of hundred hours getting "good enough" gear, but whether or not the large amount of time spent grinding for a marginal increase in DPS is worthwhile is questionable.

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