My 2 cents, I only play on Ghallanda.
But I can pretty much assure this is how it is.
I'll provide some basic info about them as well for the new players and interested.
Best pvpers / strongest builds / deadliest builds
( There isn't a best one since everyone has skills )
Gatekeeper ( Highseer build 18/2 WF)
Itachi (doesn't really play anymore but he's alright) Sorcerer Pure WF
Emphasized or Afterimage. Raptor Hybrid AA Kensai Ranger and19/1 Speed Necromancer
Couple other folks, good evasion FvS, like
Aivenek 700+ HP FvS
Lifesupport 700+ HP FvS
Avius 18/2 Cleric
And maybe a very select amount of hybrid builds, Barbarians, Monks and the like.
But as of now casters, rangers prevail.
If I forgot anyone, sorry about it, haven't eaten my dinner yet!
Forgot a couple guys,
Jeetz from Ravenguard (fvs) and a few other folks from RG
couple peeps from GR
but they don't really pvp, so it doesn't really count but I see them once in a while, very skilled players tho.
Afteristar Ghallanda E N T E R T A I N M E N T R E D E F I N E D