You were wrong not to pass them quicker so no one noticed they didn't fall in his name to start with... :-D
I did have a somewhat similar situation (only in that involved minor loot drama). I had something drop for me (as you can tell I wasn't overly concerned with it), and I was kind of on the fence about taking it. So, my usual solution is to say I am putting it up for roll, but I am rolling on it as well. If I win the roll, I take the loot. So... whatever it was, three peeps rolled on it, and I was the high. And just before I was about to loot it, another guy rolled and beat me. So, I passed it without blinking. Then, he turns around and passes it off to a guildie of his who had lost the roll. It really kinda irked me, so I put the both on my "list".
Last edited by Healemup; 05-09-2011 at 12:18 PM.
Favorhor, Rangedeath, Inthedark, Healemup, Axaleal, Hackemlow, Singasong, Intheback
“If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”
Khyber drama strikes again. Although this post lacks the kind of flamage that I would usually find appropriate for the Khyber server, you are not in the wrong at all. The devs built the mechanic that gave you the item. The devs also built the mechanic that allows you to pass the item to whoever you want for whatever reason you want. To borrow an urban expression, don't hate the playa, hate the game. If the whiny wizard really wanted to place blame where blame was due, he'd squelch DDO and do us all a favor. Consider yourself lucky that he squelched you and you will never have to run with such that particular selfish a-hole ever again.
Just my opinion folks. Feel free to disagree as I am sure many of you shall.
good job
you made him squelch you
now he wont join your future runs.
i also agree with your loot if your loot.
i dont care who gets the item in the end, or wins the roll.
as long as they'll use it.
There's one flaw in your logic: You assume that you have a better chance at loot in a PUG with eleven random people. Loot gets passed for many different reasons. I've passed loot to my wife, guildies, friends in other guilds, and to complete strangers for one reason or another. I've seen others give loot to the first person that stated they wanted it, no rolling. Others loot things themselves out of ignorance.(I.E. the item is basically useless to them, such as raising their AC to a 27. At level 18. Yes, I've seen someone excited about that) There are an unlimited number of reasons why you might not get a chance to roll on an item, and guilds have nothing to do with most of them.
The only way to avoid being disappointed in loot situations is to not have any expectations. You should go into a raid expecting only your 1/6th chance at a piece of raid loot from the end chest.(Yes, I know it actually varies somewhat, but you get my meaning) Anything you receive beyond that is a bonus, not an entitlement. I've been on many raids, PUG, guild, whatever. I firmly believe that "Your loot is your loot", and that's it. No expectations about what drops for others, and I do what I want with what drops for me. Yes, I try to be fair when I do give my loot away, but I'm the only one that can ultimately decide what is fair in this completely subjective decision.
Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).
Well in that case, I think you're wrong![]()
You said (emphasis mine):
I just wanted to point out that it's only the same thing if you were never going to have a chance at something you didn't pull anyway. Going back to the 11 guildies + 1 non-guildie scenario, clearly 11 of the people in the group do have a chance at something they didn't pull. Passing loot leads to the situation that, if you run with guildies, you have a chance that you will be passed loot. If you don't run with guildies, you don't have that chance. Hence, one person in the group has a smaller chance of getting loot than the rest. Regardless of your expectations or perception, that's inherently unequal. Whether it's deserving of a big debate is open to interpretation, but it certainly has caused oneWhile I understand exactly what you're saying here, I think it's important to make a distinction.
Someone looting the item that they pulled is the same thing as someone passing the item that they pulled. You weren't going to get it either way, no matter what. So when someone pulls an item and passes it, to me it's just like they looted it themselves.![]()
"And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear,
From a dozen of each we had bought somewhere;
And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold,
And the sun rose dripping, a bucketful of gold. " - Millay