Ah but it IS the issue. Many were wrapped up in their comfort zone where melee DPS was king. Now it isnt the case, and even though many still try to limit their groups to one caster, that caster many times crushes their previously dominant damage output.
Casters did already have the better damage, they just couldn't sustain it long enough in some cases. My personal opinion is that we have gone too far.
We are playing post level 10 D&D, and in post level 10 D&D, this is how it is. I dont see DDO as what you just stated however, because any group of 6 can complete most quests and raids dont need caster DPS, -or- melee DPS, they just need DPS - the source matters not. Now that casters are contributing, they can no longer be held to the standard of 40+ CC DC or GTF0, heh. They are no longer slave to the melee's needs, and no longer there to merely prop up melee DPS.
In PnP D&D that's how it is. In PnP a dedicated DM can balance things out and provide customization to make individual characters feel important or provide contribution if necessary. Just because casters are powerful in PnP doesn't necessarily mean we need to follow suit in DDO.
I like the the fact casters can DPS now and can use death spells. I play casters and it's fun. I shouldn't need to play just casters for that game play experience tho.
The difference between 6 melee and 6 casters completing any quest is phenomenal. I like the glass cannon idea a bit more so there is more purpose to playing melee than simply wanting a melee character.
I dont see the shift in power as an issue unless its more limiting to certain parties. The LAST shift in power was the issue where casters were limited to CC and buffing. This shift in power is not an issue IMO due to the fact that I do not see melee having a harder time getting groups / doing their jobs. I see casters having an easier time getting groups and doing their jobs.
There's power shift and there's going too far. The problem is our ability to find a happy middle ground.
SLAs in D&D are FREE. The low mana cost is to emulate this.
That's not the issue, it's the high level spells that players can afford to use continuously. SLA's are great for letting casters contribute through an entire quest. The reason I would want to restrict SP renewal is so there needs to be more consideration before spamming 8th and 9th level meta's spells and make that into a tactical choice.
If anything about casters is OP its the fact that they can heal themselves. This goes all the way back to 2007 or so however, and didnt start with the latest changes. It would be cool if they were more glass canon-ish rather than having 600 HP w/ full on healing capabilities. If casters ever needed melee for anything in D&D it was for damage mitigation and positioning, and if they ever needed divine for anything it was for healing. Otherwise, through 3.5, the true power in D&D is a well prepared arcane. Balanced by the fact that the biggest liability in D&D is an unprepared arcane, heh.
I wasn't here in 2007, I was here at the beginning and left shortly into 2006, so I am not familiar with all of those changes. I'm not sure why there became a focus on self healing so much but I agree, that is part of the issue with casters.
That gets back to limiting the ability to renew SP a bit. Hit points in this game are unreal tho. I've been thinking about that for some time too.
The enhancements, and items, and CON availability means the base hit dice have less overall impact. I'm inclined to suggest limiting or eliminating some tiers of the toughness enhancements based on class, adding more tiers for some classes, and adjusting the amount of hit points on items. Changing the toughness on minos to be hp equal to bab for example. Something to increase hit point gap between melee and non melee anyway.
High hp casters with self healing, top DPS, area nuking, instant death, top CC, and best damage mitigation spells make other players feel like 5th wheels. Great when you are all other 4 wheels all in one but less so if you are the fifth.