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Reread what I wrote. I agreed Dungeon alert should increase SR if it's going to be a mechanic in the game. I'm not a fan of DA at all, but if it's there it should be fairly administered.
When was the last time you saw a LFM asking for healers that was looking for arcanes specifically? We can't fill every roll in the game effectively any more than a UMDing rogue can. Should we nerf rogue dps too since they can cast buffs, nukes, heals, rezzes, and utility spells from scrolls?
Yes I'm disputing this. The only arcanes with the better self healing are warforged and pale masters. All other casters have the exact same self healing as any melee, which is potions or UMD (or Half elf dilly feats, which are also available to melees)
Your problem is you paint all arcanes with the broad brush of the best single cases and act as if anything any one iteration of class/race arcane can do that any arcane can do it...that's simply not the case.
My rogue who casts shadow walk and ddoor begs to differ with your opinion here. Ddoor is available on orien dragon marks, and scrolls buyable through AH. Shadow walk is available on scrolls vendor purchasable in portable hole (and perhaps another location or two). UMD allows use of both spells, and orien dragonmarks allow no-fail use of ddoor for any class of the right race.
Jump, invis, haste, etc are available to newer players as well as veteran players, not just through clickies but through potions, scrolls, and wands. UMD covers the scrolls and wands (or helf dilly) and potions don't even need UMD. There are also festival cookies which provide massive buffing and spell casting ability to even pure melees that can be bought from AH or simply stocked up on during festivult by anyone with the desire to do so.
I spend almost no time running anywhere on any toons, teleport and Greater Teleport are much less powerful now that guild ship navigators can teleport you to almost anywhere you want to go, or at least very close to it. Failing that there are infinitely available teleport and greater teleport scrolls (my melees carry stacks of them and UMD them).
Orange names will be immune to finger after Monday. Ddoor is not an issue as I outlined above. Haste is available for cove event many ways. Dance is available through clickies and even melee guards for non-casters, Firewall got nerfed, etc etc....
On top of all that, Firewall+disco "fire and forget" is one of the reasons they did the entire u9 spell revamp, to nerf that...so what gain to you hope to achieve by citing that in a discussion of how overpowered you feel casters are post u9?
Unimaginative melees maybe. There are more options than just dps til dead.
And yet my melees did just fine in that event using disruption weapons and autoattack or holy/pg weapons (maybe flaming burst for mummies).
Fact is, the first half of the quoted sentence violates forum policies as do many of your posts simply because they imply strongly the very same thing as you explicitly stated here.
I have no problem with seeking melee improvements to bring them in line with where they should be, power wise, in relation to content and other archetype classes, but if you want to be in all ways equal to casters, you're playing the wrong game.
Try crusading for your improvements rather than crying for everyone else to be "nerfed". If everything is constantly nerfed because someone is jealous of it, eventually we're all weak and the game stops growing or being any fun as it becomes an endless grind of hit button 1 x number of times, hope you don't die, and 3 hours later you get some xp and a gold piece, because any other loot would be overpowered and not everyone else has it.