I saw an idea by... Neil-someone in another thread which works quite well
-illusion SLA's (AMIV) (gives blur, displacement, something else & PK)
-enchantment SLA (1st) (hypnotism, only 6 seconds but can be a lifesaver - cooldown is 6 seconds to..)
-evocation SLA (1st)
-arcane bolt & blast
-conjuration SLA (2nd) (grease & web)
twiddle it around, maybe get evoc 3 SLA & necro 1 SLA (for dessert epics)
but for your echos of power, you'll get a couple of buffs, an insta-kill, couple of CC, AND single target & AoE damage spells that you can *always* cast
I did a CoF run a few days ago on a WF AM evoc/enchanter (lv 10, going to more or less follow Neil-someones build idea), pretty much did the whole quest just cycling hypono, MM SLA, arcane bolt. good times