Nope. I don't have all the content and with my play schedule, my character isn't 'efficient' to be taken along with most epics to get my heart quickly, and my gear is not upgraded or the best in order to compensate for what my build lacks. So I am slowly gathering the comps to tr twice so I can 'rush' through my first and second lives following a straight nnnhe pattern with the content I do have. As planned, I will have to bank levels until about level 8 or 9 on my first life, then on my second, I should be able to bank until level 4 before my gains will be small enough that I don't outpace the quests.
The first thing TR's will do is run everything on elite. One run gets them 1.2 million exp. If they ran hard, then elite, they would get to the 1.9 million.
Again, I see nothing wrong with the system for TRing. I think with more content to run, easy or hard, it will stop the complaints from TR's about nothing to do.