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Thread: Pug Duo

  1. #41
    Community Member ballsz's Avatar
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    Exclamation Congrats

    Congratulations guys!

    For some this may not be a huge accomplisment, for someone who hasn't done it before and does not have thousands of hours "logged in" under their belt it can be quite a feat. It is a great start.

    I do tend to make fun of new players who can not accomplish things with more than enough means behind them. Consider it hazing like you will find with in any society, I went through it, I'm sure most of you have as well. It builds character and makes for a thicker skin. No one is really hurting anybody. I however will never look down condescendingly upon someones success, no matter how big or small I may consider it to be.

    Only a person who feels lacking in their own self worth and accomplisment would bother to cut another down for their's.
    WTT Large Bone for Underwater Action.
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  2. #42
    Community Member Elaril's Avatar
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    /salute to the OP.

    I love to see guys do things like this for the first time instead of waiting around for someone to do it for them/teach it to them. There are far too many people, in my opinion, who try to use the knowledge of others instead of learning themselves and, as an extension, there is far too little of actual adventure in the game now and that you two were able to accomplish this on your own is great. I say this without qualification as I feel there are too many people who have to toot their own horn, which is an overt attempt to show you how uber they are, in threads like this, and you guys deserve the /salute.
    Akori-Fighter Iroka-Sorcerer Censured-Rogue Isilti-Cleric Tony-Sorcerer Duress-Cleric Elaril-Fighter Avatard-Fighter Mitigation-Paladin Loose-Bard Shiken-Fighter Unreasonably-Barbarian Jueh-Monk

  3. #43
    Community Member RenigadeWolf's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    thank you to everyone who has posted. it is greatly appreciated. it was very fun to do; i even ended up dying about 30 seconds in (not sure exactly what hit me, but had Death Pact running.) and we both died at the end; as you can see. and she died after we did. it was tense and had a feeling of satisfaction to it. especially when i pulled my Greenblade. (thought it fitting as i killed her with a spell crit.)

  4. #44
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Glad to hear you had fun, a nice +1 for having the courage to share and ignore the people that'll go "Bah, I can do this on elite with my eyes closed..", which, in no way, diminishes a personal accomplishment, and this coming from one of those people who does just that, except he keeps quiet

    Besides, having her die after you guys died was kinda priceless
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  5. #45
    Community Member Gelb's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Default Fun!

    It is always fun 2 manning raids. Please don't care about what people are saying about the difficulity level of the raid or whatever. If you had fun, you are more than welcome to toss a thread in the forum. =)

    I also think that it's funny how you guys died after she died or she died after you guys died! (I am lazy to read all of it and figure what happened. I am a lazy piker! lol)
    • Hellbound Angels, Sarlona•
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    Gelb means "yellow".

  6. #46
    Community Member RenigadeWolf's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelb View Post
    It is always fun 2 manning raids. Please don't care about what people are saying about the difficulity level of the raid or whatever. If you had fun, you are more than welcome to toss a thread in the forum. =)

    I also think that it's funny how you guys died after she died or she died after you guys died! (I am lazy to read all of it and figure what happened. I am a lazy piker! lol)
    hehe...we died first Gelb

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