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  1. #1
    Community Member dingal's Avatar
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    Default Kicking around an idea for 6Fvs/12 Paladin/2 Monk

    Before anyone cries "IDIOT!" I'll be up-front and say I've not played a monk or FvS so I'm not as familiar with either class so I'm not sure how viable this would be but I've been kicking this idea around since I read the lammania release notes on the new FvS pre.

    The basic intent would be a build that can intimidate, generate enough hate to hold aggro, have enough HP and AC to be a viable main-tank and throw in evasion as an added bonus. In addition it provides an added benefit to casters with the -2 debuff to saves and to melees with the potential fort reduction on bosses.

    The benefit of the FvS levels is primarily AoV 1 to get the debuff aura and the fort reduction on the bosses that hit you, the benefit of the paladin levels is DoSII, Paladin saves, Aura etc and the monk levels is the wisdom modifier to AC and saves as well as the monk feat.

    At the end of the day it might be better just to have a hate gen fvs doing the same job, not sure. I suspect at the very least the character would be pretty durable if not particularly good at any one thing.
    April 27th, 2011 - Dungeons and Casters Unlimited is released to the public
    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    This is an impressive min/min build.

  2. #2
    Community Member Xenostrata's Avatar
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    I would suggest swapping the FvS and Paladin levels (12 FvS gets 2nd tier AoV, heal spell, and a bunch of fun alignment based damage spells), but it might not be what you are going for. I personally have a 12fvs/6mnk/2pal drow build that uses shortswords, but tanking isn't really easy on something that squishy.
    Fear the Koala.
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  3. #3
    Community Member dingal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xenostrata View Post
    I would suggest swapping the FvS and Paladin levels (12 FvS gets 2nd tier AoV, heal spell, and a bunch of fun alignment based damage spells), but it might not be what you are going for. I personally have a 12fvs/6mnk/2pal drow build that uses shortswords, but tanking isn't really easy on something that squishy.
    Yeah my main thought is to be very durable and able to hold aggro and thus the constant benefit of the AoV tier 1 debuffs.

    I don't think you could get the AC where it needs to be without the DoSII pre.
    April 27th, 2011 - Dungeons and Casters Unlimited is released to the public
    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    This is an impressive min/min build.

  4. #4
    Community Member Xenostrata's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dingal View Post
    Yeah my main thought is to be very durable and able to hold aggro and thus the constant benefit of the AoV tier 1 debuffs.

    I don't think you could get the AC where it needs to be without the DoSII pre.
    If you've got the TR/Gear ready, then this might be interesting for you - It's the original version of my 12fvs/6mnk/2pal, before I rewrote it for a bigger focus on DPS.

    You can ignore the lackluster stats at the top, those are ungeared. Go down a couple posts for the geared numbers.
    Fear the Koala.
    Jial, Wyllywyl, and an ever-changing list of alts.

  5. #5
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    I'd be inclined to go FVS 12 / Pal 6 / Monk 2 to ensure I got the DoT (level 5 spell). You still get the Divine Righteousness to double hate, etc.

    I've got a list of hate-generators I'm looking at for some ideas - I'll find them and paste htem.

    Some thoughts here on spell-hate generation

    I'm looking at this for my arcane and divine tanky types.
    Last edited by voodoogroves; 05-04-2011 at 08:33 PM.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  6. #6
    Community Member Jahmin's Avatar
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    As others have indicated, 12FvS/Pal6/Mnk2 would better achieve your aims.

  7. #7
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    What race(s) are you considering? HO or WF for the threat boost? Or something else if you're going for defenses more?
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  8. #8
    Community Member dingal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    What race(s) are you considering? HO or WF for the threat boost? Or something else if you're going for defenses more?
    Not WF since this would already be pretty ehnancement point stretched as it is and the hate boosters would be a stretch. That combined with the negative healing would strip away a lot of the durability I'm going for. Maybe human for additional healing amp or dwarf for better durability.

    I need to run the AC numbers to see what I could hit with DOSII vs. DOS1. Being able to obtain good AC is crucial for what I'm going for otherwise it's just another meatsack hate tank that might get one shotted by horoth.

    I am too lazy to crunch the **** numbers though lol. I'll suck it up and do it one of these days. If I like the build I may TR my paladin into it for a life.
    April 27th, 2011 - Dungeons and Casters Unlimited is released to the public
    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    This is an impressive min/min build.

  9. #9
    Community Member EpiKagEMO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    I'd be inclined to go FVS 12 / Pal 6 / Monk 2 to ensure I got the DoT (level 5 spell). You still get the Divine Righteousness to double hate, etc.

    I've got a list of hate-generators I'm looking at for some ideas - I'll find them and paste htem.

    Some thoughts here on spell-hate generation

    I'm looking at this for my arcane and divine tanky types.
    I agree with voodoogroves, 6 paladin would also provide divine sacrafices--which would benefit off a AoV's light vulnerability skills.

    You could go twf Elf for scimitar/THF Falchion-enhancement+undying boosts off FvS or twf longswords and soverign boosts.

  10. #10
    Community Member ShadowFlash's Avatar
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    I've actually looked at the Pali 12/Fvs 6/Monk2 and this is what i came up with before deciding to scrap it


    AoV Aura...nice with the -2 buff and awesome light de-buff for sweet Divine Sacrifices. However, I've yet to see comments on it proccing to higher stacks in typical play.

    "Some" potential low-level buffing, but watching which stack with level progression is important.

    Excellent Spell pool for the buffs you get from each class, considering the low pool Paladins usually get.

    If your weapon of choice is one of the FvS's choices ya got that going for ya.

    1 free persistent elemental resist 10. If you go FvS first, then most likely acid just for the sheer number of low-level acid traps. Your buffing will eventually replace this, but nice for leveling early.

    You can actually have a decent Paladin Aura if you spec for it with 12 Levles, but AP's are very tight...something has got to suffer.

    Exalted Smite II, Divine Might II and Divine Sacrifice II are all good breaking points and you should have the AP's for them.


    Pali 14 is so beneficial for holy sword and zeal ( you only have 1 slot, so spell swapping is mandatory ) but without the 2 monk, you'll lose the AC bonus and 2 feats. Doing AC the hard way is possible, but a lot more grinding.

    Spell selection is actually pretty difficult considering you want to save the level progression ones for the higher class level paladin, and you'll run out of later level useful ones on the FvS

    10 AP spent just for AoV, most of which are not useful to this type of build

    Level progression've got 6 levels adding not much later usefulness. Choosing where to take those levels is very tough. take them 1st to get your aura would be my still get your Paladin PrE @ 12, but any useful Paladin self buffs come so late and take to long to progress. At level 20 it won't matter, but the journey could be tough.

    What it came down to for me, was what FvS brought to the table. The De-buff Aura was nice, but you don't get radiance guard on yourself. The buffing spells weren't worth it for me, considering Paladins get very useful ones ( personal only with the smaller pool ).

    On the Surface I drooled on the apparent synergy, but working through the nitty-gritty of enhancements and feats, the mix just didn't seem to pull it's weight, even for a flavor build ( which I usually play ).

    Consider Fighter Kensai I costs 11 AP vs AoV I's 10 AP and i think adds alot more to this kind of build, not to mention the 4 extra feats, better BAB and pre-req enhancement that are for more useful to a melee build.

    One final comment on the 12 Fvs suggestions.

    While I don't disagree that it makes for a better build ( and what my Girlfriends new AA is based on ), it would completely change the personality of this kind of build. U9 intimidate changes actually help here to boost hate on demand. Favored Souls don't have Intimidate as a class skill. Not a big deal, but something to consider. The level progression is certainly nicer, as your buffs gain close to if not top tier levels on the class you're probablly gonna focus on earlier. BAB is handled by Divine Power, but can be an annoyance ( I play a "battle"-cleric ). The most important thing IMHO is you'de be playing a FvS that can melee and tank, instead of a Paladin augmenting his DPS and utility through another Aura and more buffs. Divine Punishment is powerful even at level 12 FvS if you spec the expensive smiting lines, but you're definately more FvS than melee type and would be treated as such.

    Just my longwinded 2 pp


  11. #11
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    I gave up to this idea because the light amplification is what it made worthy for me to splash AoVI to a Paladin for example. But since it is not permanent I kinda felt gimped. You had a PrE2 Paladin who benefits from amplified good dmg on his weapons, had overlapping spell selections but loses the ultimate Tier3 upgrades to 20% more dmg which is not proven to outweigh Tier3 enhancements.

    Only reason to build soemthing like this was a flavor build.

    Till now I think about a combination of RoS2 with AoV1.

  12. #12
    Community Member Snormal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dingal View Post
    Yeah my main thought is to be very durable and able to hold aggro and thus the constant benefit of the AoV tier 1 debuffs.

    I don't think you could get the AC where it needs to be without the DoSII pre.
    AC and guards/things that work when you get hit don't really go together. I'd suggest going for high health and blocking DR if your main intent is to have aggro and apply debuffs that function via a guard.
    Snorm - Khyber

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