Offering 1 LDS per 4000 tokens
paying 3k plat per 50 tokens
or taking offers for various amounts
send me a PM if ya got some peoplethansk all CHEERS !!
Offering 1 LDS per 4000 tokens
paying 3k plat per 50 tokens
or taking offers for various amounts
send me a PM if ya got some peoplethansk all CHEERS !!
Community Member
Community Member
Community Member
Community Member
Honestly, 240k plat per scale? That sir, is not going price for scales on Argo; or even close to it.
3000 plat/50 tokens=60 plat per token
60 plat per tokenX4000 tokens=240,000 plat
LDS=around 650k plat on auction house. Maybe 500k plat if you are trading in person with someone nice.
I agree first post was just a troll, but second one at least included fair trade value.
I've no reason to defend this person, but why the complaining? He set forth a price, and if you are not willing to deal at that price, just move on! Why argue about it?
By the way, neg repping for a trade thread is pretty low-class.
Community Member
Still looking to buy antique Bronze tokens
Paying 1 LDS per 4k tokens
3k pp per 50
and listening to other offers of course
Are they still giving any guild favor for the turn ins?
"What? Where?" *clunk, thud* :-)
Community Member
Community Member
Halfling Hero
I'm still interested in what the motivation is for tokens post u9. If people would rather not let their respective cats out of bags perhaps someone could pm me? Though I suspect I know the reason...
Sicks and Tymn on Orien.
It's most likely for crafting materials. You can turn in 50 tokens for a selection of robes. Most of the time, one or more with a tier 5 effect will show up and you can crunch that for ~30 lesser essences and a chance at greater essences.
At 3k per 50 tokens, it's essentially buying lesser essences for 100pp each, plus whatever greaters you get from it.
The downside is that much of the time, you'd be stuck taking deathblock as the tier 5 effect, giving only good essences.
Apepp, Horuss, Rner, Iaiz, etc. • Argonnessen
Wow I remember when I was buying these for 5pp each, and brought thousands of them. I could have been rich, I'll have to check if I have stacks of them still.
Please do not use a player's trade thread to make your own trade announcement, if you want to create your own trade offer, you should make your own thread for it. Also, please do not post replies to trade threads that are not related to the trade at hand. Thanks.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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