It is absolutely cheating and you should be ashamed
is it cheating if I have run a quest 100s of times and know it by heart?
Formerly Rathic of harvestgain
Nice mental workaround...
Cheating, now it really depends.
On the assumed rules, your fellow team members try and enforce.
Some groups do "blind" runs.
You are none the wiser to the quest layout, and with well-known dungeons, you refrain from spoiling information to newcomers.
Reading a wiki might spoil their fun, and yours too.
So you might be advised against it.
When running with PUGs it is usually a good idea to read wikis, especially after a couple - unsuccessful...? - runs, so you can gear up accordingly, and maybe make up for other members' deficiencies.
I guess that is why many players end up soloing through most contents: PUGs can be too much of a gamble for some, either they'll stumble and fail, or you get carried through the quests by vets, and never get to learn anything about the quest, or have any fun.
It takes a group of like-minded fellows to really enjoy the game, at the pace you're comfortable with.
* Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *
+1 for quoting the King.
To answer the OP, no, I don't think it's cheating. Like many others, I try to solo new (to me) material first, before going in with a group. I probably won't look up a quest in the wiki, though, unless I get stuck (whether solo or grouped). I'd rather just find outBut that's not because I think it's cheating, I just have more fun that way.
Proud officer of Imperial Assassins!
Argonessen: Jhanrae, Weisen Heimer, Chaard O'Nay, and more once viable endgame toons relegated to banking.
i usualy don't look up quests (i did it for raids i haven't )
but a quick alt tab for somthing when things arn't working (last time in necro 1 end quest would have failed for sure if i didn't know about the hart)
Virt II makes elujin smile!
No, I don't think it's cheating. I often use the wiki if I'm new to a quest even though it means 'spoilers'. I'm in a small guild spread out over timezones and we don't often get the chance to run together even when our toons coincide at the same lvl or thereabouts. Therefore I pug a lot. And therefore there is high chance that the leader is not actually leading, or that there's only typed communication when something needs to be coordinated. And as I hate going through a quest just blindly tagging along behind others who have run it before and only being able to focus on keeping up with them, I read the wiki so that I have some sort of clue about what's going on in case it turns out to be one of those types of pugs. It just makes it a less frustrating experience.
I also get anxious about letting a party down. So that is another reason for informing myself beforehand. A lot of players take the game very seriously and I don't want to annoy them with newbish mistakes. Especially at the latter stages of the game.
And for those who advise telling the leader that you're new to something, I always do when I am. And it makes a difference about 1 in 10 times at the lower levels, even if you purposefully avoid the 'zerging' pugs. I've noticed that it gets a lot better with the higher lvl quests. My first time in ToD was a joy. Clear instructions, hints and expectations laid out.
I haven't tried the new content yet and I haven't searched for information on it on the forums here. I am considering opening a pug for it that has 'dungeon crawling, no spoilers' in the LFM. I'm just wondering how long it would take the group to fill. Think it's worth a try?
id say yeh it is, but if you failed the first time and cant work out why then hey thats what the wiki and the forums are for right.
the wiki is also fine for something that needs to be researched - such as green steel crafting, but when the next thing like that comes out if you use the wiki then contribute info and feel good about your self.
this conversation takes me back to when i first started ddo. I remember joining some new friends for a quest called the church and the cult, after talking to the quest giver and reading the plot i decided there might be a high chance for undead and posibly a vampire int the temple so i told my group i was gona buy a silver weapon first. I got a chorus of 'thought u were a noob', and 'you said you were new'. Ok so this was like 4 years ago now but the point remains, read the plot ask for hints from npcs and rarely should you need to refer to the wiki.
In the case of storm cleave the npcs definately tell you that the giant is protected by 4 rituals held in power by bound elementals - if you folow the plot corectly you should be taking out the earth ele and all the mephits before attacking the giant - ofcourse we all know that the earth ele is the one buffing his regen/dr so thats the only one any one kills these days, but all 4 shards have a purpose.
Of course tho were not all perfect and we all screw up and some times we miss things, fairly recently i had a bit of a tantrum on the forums after geting whooped in the dreaming dark end boss, if I had been folowing my own advice and speaking to nps i would have known to take in a holy crystal weapon and wouldnt have ended up looking like a ***.
Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
stuff by me: