U9 has left me with some confusion about enhancments and certain spells. Especially untyped damage spells.
Does any enhancment line add to damage and crits for Blade Barrier? and Disintegrate?
Angel of Vengance adds to Blade Barrier damage, right?
Does the Smiting line now add to BB damage?
Does the Force line now add to Disintegrate?
Also Greater Dragon Mark of Storm. is it suppose to be effected by electric damage enhancments? Savant? Meta magic feats?
Is it currently bugged?
Actually, any spell like ability...like the Electric Loop from an Air Savant. How is the saves, and damage calculated? Sp use from them?
Any reason for an Air Savant to have Electric Loop as a spell, since they have it as a Spell like ability from their PRE?
Does any of the damage enhancment lines beef up Pale Masters' Neg energy attacks?