on this episode of the artistic soloer of sarlona, i am on a quest from the great zawabi to vanquish the evil demon queen. i join a band of adventurers to help increase their odds of success because that the kind of girl that i am because clearly they shalt fail without me. whats this?! four healers madness! i am the artistic soloer of sarlona what do i do?!!!111 plz tell me fearless leader what shalt me and my hireling do?
leader: cleric 1 and cleric 2 heal first, cleric 3 and hireling back up
what kind of plan is that?! 4 opposing gods working together ?! thats madness. oh ddo gods of yonder our fate is in your hands for i do not know what shalt i do.
obviously these lowly peasants need my help i shall guide them thru thy yonder cave so that they may witness me destroy this vile demon queen. as i solo my soloistic way thru the efreeti and pesky mephits there is doubt in the back of my mind. if the other 3 healers are just bickering amonst each other they will miss my moment of triumph. we step thru the portal and i layeth my eyes upon the evil queen.
lailat: you dere come to my lair?! no one can stand before the six swords!
artistic soloer: fearless leader what strategim do you advise to take on thy yonder beast?!
leader: spartan method. cleric 1 and 2 main heal, cleric 3 and hireling back up.
artistic soloer: spartan method?!!!!!!!1111 this is madness. such a method shalt never work! if i fall here eberron is DOOOMMMEDEDEDD!!!!111!! i bid farewell to you senseless peasants for the tale of the avid artistic solorer of epic sarlona shall not fall here today. i shall return on the marrow and avenge thy foolishness. come my faithful hireling we shall escape before the queen draws her blades!
:: call hireling:: /roll 1 fail!
no come here now
:: call hireling:: /roll1 fail!
oh no the ddo gods are turnst against me
:: grabs hireling::
back in your bag we must escape!

oints to lailat:: you have not seen the last of me demon queen.
thus the all might avid artistic soloer of sarlona and her dim witted hireling run with their tail between their legs back to zawabi's refuge. licking their non existing wounds to tell more tales of their wild adventures .
this is captain roflwaffles setting sail for fail
4 str 4 sta leather belts are ago