assumed 40 str, improved crit, hit on-1, enemy is harry (or horoth if you want to be fancy)
brigands: 16 tier 3
base damage+ absolute chaos+ anarchic burst+ vorpal
(3.5base+5enh+15str+2elf) x 1.25 + 7 + 7 + 10.5x.3 + 5= 54.025
-15 DR= 39.025
(btw, scimi base profile= (1x.65+2x.3)= 1.25 times base)
+5 met pure good khopesh
(4.5+5+15) x 1.35 + 3.5= 36.575
(khop base profile is (1x.75+3x.2)= 1.35 times base damage)
so yeah, mr. "im so knowleagable and you are obviously new to the game", your little +3 met of pure good scimitar is inferior to my brigands against harry >.>, and even a +5 met pg khopesh isnt even ahead.
NOTE: seeker adds the same to each.
NOTE: seriously, if you dont care about this thread, then why post in it? leave us here to practice math-fu when we grow bored 8l