now that I have really looked over the Update I think my Sorc is hosed from my original concept. I am trying to Decide how to rebuild, Is it a must to take an Elemental Savant Or do you think its a option.. any one have a opinion?
now that I have really looked over the Update I think my Sorc is hosed from my original concept. I am trying to Decide how to rebuild, Is it a must to take an Elemental Savant Or do you think its a option.. any one have a opinion?
Even with the "less than powerful" (as described by some on the forums) Earth savant I am seeing some incredible damage numbers and am able to run quests using half the mana that I did previously. And this is with only Maximise on, heighten off entirely, extend forgotten (off but still have it. I feel that I can safely get rid of it now.) After playing solo for a while now (All I ever do on my sorc now is farm gear for alts) I've found that I do not need displacement or haste at all either. I'll probably still keep at least haste though just in case, but consider extend swapped for Greater Spell Pen as soon as I have the opportunity. Might even swap out Heighten if they ever fix Solid Fog.
Granted much of this is due to the spell changes in general. Still, I would consider Savants a must have for a sorc. I definitely find myself using earthgrab and my SLA's quite a bit.
forget that, it's the spell like abilities. electric loop is badass. I use that and mana regen to kite long after my mana has taken it's dive. Get yourself a renta heal and you are good to go.
Not sure how it is with the water mage. Been thinking about making one of those but honestly im having fun with lightning.
yeah, it's hard to beat the sla's, especially electric loop imo. They are the reason to go savant and they outweigh any negatives cause it really isn't hard to just do without one particular damage type. Plus adding additional AP's to other damage lines is cheap.