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  1. #101
    Community Member lazylaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Ask your Grandparents how they celebrated when the leader of the Rich fell and tell them how much that bothers you.
    I don't think his grandparents could care less if Donald Trump fell over.
    All of Company of the Black Dragon and all of Warriors of the Wild
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    All on Khyber

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    THANK YOU US Military and ALL THE FORCES and CIVILIANS from DAY ONE that contributed their time, and in some cases, their lives.


    Gone, but as promised, NOT FORGOTTEN!

    My friend, US Army Sargent Jim Leary's custom made jacket by an Afghan tailor. This picture comes to mind and I'd like to share it with everyone.

    Today is the time to thank all these brave people, and tribute the ones who can't be here to hear the monumental news.

    We are all alive on a monumental day in history. Today, the world cheers.
    Hate to do it but +1 that is an awesome jacket

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #103
    Community Member whitehawk74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Ask your Grandparents how they celebrated when the leader of the Rich fell and tell them how much that bothers you.
    You mean the Reich.

    and this thread has started to become hate. I'm out.
    Lock it now before it causes some real problems.

    remember that a difference of opinion is a good thing.
    My demands are simple. Ducks, penguins and tortoises as pets. I'll buy hats and bow-ties for them all.

  4. #104
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigolbear View Post

    it realy bothrs me how you guys can be celebrating some ones death, whatever they may have done.


    life is not black and white.
    I think the issue of terrorism in the context of the American Revolution has already been well addressed.

    While it is true that people who self-identify as having specific religious belief systems are acting in opposition to the teachings of their belief system in celebrating this particular death I definitely have no problem doing so.

    This particular death is of someone that had gotten about as close to supervillain status as you can achieve in real life. Obviously it won't stop terrorism, but it is still an important achievement. As a living symbol of successful large-scale terror attacks he probably still functioned as a rallying point even if all he was doing was rubber-stamping operations planned by others now.

    For some situations there really are clear black and white divisions. Attacking civilian populations in that manner is always going to be an "evil" act, dishonorable and cowardly. The actors of such are clearly "bad people" and need to be put down like rabid dogs. Realizing they could not ever directly engage in military action they turned to terrorism to attempt to control other peoples instead of just tending to their own back yards in a live-and-let-live philosophy like mainstream Islam does.

    Personally I wouldn't be saddened over the deaths of some of the lesser evil people in the US like the Phelps family in Kansas.

    tl/dr; Some people need killing.

  5. #105
    Community Member SteeleTrueheart's Avatar
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    Man the group that did this must have gotten a level or 2 from the xp. I wonder if there was any named loot?

    On a serious note, It will not end terrorism but I hope this brings some closure to some people effected by 9/11.
    Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
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  6. #106
    Community Member Ciaran's Avatar
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    What a glorious day!

    Thank you to all the brave men and women who serve in our armed forces!

    On a personal note - GO SEAL TEAM SIX! The best of the best finally delivered the justice that mass-murdering mother****er deserved!

  7. #107
    Community Member Absolute-Omniscience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    I'm going to answer your comment by my bud that I just spoke to on the phone. He's spent most of the last 23 years overseas...(the last 9+ years dedicated to Iraq and Afghanistan.) since we both graduated from high school.

    I read your last comment to him.

    "I'm only gonna say one thing and I'm gonna let it rest. What more do you want when the man openly admitted to masterminding 9/11 on video. Are you seriously kidding? Not only did he personally take credit for it, his co conspirators admitted to it as well saying Osama was the leader. Are ya kidding me ? Thy all I've got to say about that."

    And that's all I have to say. We disagree on the conspiracy theories of 9/11 and Osama's death. I will thank you for your service, and can agree that many politicians have lied to its people, including ours. But I feel yesterday, a very good deed was accomplished.
    So if I say I say I'm the president of the USA, I am the president of the USA?
    Look at it objectively, instead of subjectively.

    All I'm saying is, looks can be very deceiving.
    EU player since release, US player since the summer of 2009.

  8. #108
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    We understand the gravity of the situation, but it's important that we keep our boards a politics-free zone.
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