With U9, what seems to be the opinion if Elven Arcanum with increased spell penetration outweights the extra feat/con by going Human or extra int/DC with Drow? In other words, how significant/important is the spell pen benefit?
With U9, what seems to be the opinion if Elven Arcanum with increased spell penetration outweights the extra feat/con by going Human or extra int/DC with Drow? In other words, how significant/important is the spell pen benefit?
EA appears to be a newbie trap.
If you need penetration that bad, roll a human and spend extra feat on extra spell penetration.
Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer
Bonus feat: go Human and use bonus feat for spell pen or go elf and use AP for extra spell pen.
Multiclassing penalty: you can use elven arcanum as a way to lower casters multiclassing penalty. Spell pen is based on caster level.
Extreme min/maxing: go multi TR (wiz+others) elf wizard for highest possible spell pen.
In PnP Elfs favored class is Wizard. It kinda fits.