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Thread: Best feats?

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Best feats?

    My sorcerer has level 18 in the bank, and has yet to swap out extend. I plan on going water savant.

    present feats:
    spell penetration
    greater spell penetration

    My original thoughts were to swap out extend (taken at first level) for spell focus: evocation, then take greater spell focus evocation.

    The catch is that I expect anywhere from +3 to +6 DCs on my evocation spells that matter (icy stuff). Maybe I should take spell focus: necromancy or something? Enchantment seems much less enchanting nowadays. Force of personality looks ok, but with FoM on mostly, I can't remember needing a better will save.

  2. #2
    Community Member Ridag's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    Well you need either SF: Evocation, SF: Conjuration or Sorcerer past life for the Savant Pre-reqs.

    I take it you are Human? If you have the Wizard past life feat available take that, if not you can always keep Extend. If you want to go SF: Necromancy I would also recommend dropping a spell pen feat for GSF: Necromancy to keep your DCs up.

    Or if you want to embrace your inner nuker - stick to your original plan!

  3. #3
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    why is it that people have such a hard time understanding what various caster terms mean?

    caster level is NOT save DC, and is in general completely unrelated with only a few exceptions (sleep, dismissal, and i think banishment?). you will not be getting between +3 and +6 DC on *anything* with savant (nor even +1 DC, except for what the feat prereqs give you), so if you want high DCs, you need to either boost your cha, get the right gear, or use the right feats.

    that said, i for one wouldn't take spell focus in evocation, but that's just me... i feel the conjuration DC is a better option.

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