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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Dex rogue that is reading a bit about str

    People are saying that the Dex rogues are not as good a str rogues end game. My first toon I did a halfling max dex rogue and I was just wondering if I become unsuccessful at end game content, could i reset my enhancements from assassin and try to work from a trap monkey angle? I may have to swap some feats to get more bonuses to the skills required but maybe I could be used in groups then?

    From what I am reading, and considering I am not complete all out hard core, and won't get all the best items, will trap disarmer and open locker be in my future?

  2. #2
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Don't fret.
    Finesse rogues are perfectly viable end game assuming you didn't dump strength.
    Strength rogues are certainly higher DPS, but the difference isn't nearly as pronounced as some people here make it out to be.
    As long as you started with a 12 or 14 strength you'll be just fine. A +2 tome and a +6 item gets it to 20 or 22. Buffs and gear can get it higher. The majority of your damage come from sneak attacks anyway, so a small loss in base damage isn't going to ruin your toon.

  3. #3
    Community Member Gnorbert's Avatar
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    Don't get too discouraged. How much strength did you start with? did you dump it completely?

    If you focus on raising your strength with items and tomes then you will at least be useful. You will never do as much damage as a strength based character but it doesn't mean you can't have a fun and useful character. Don't switch any feats towards trap skills... as an assassin you should have decent intelligence and will have fine trap skills as long as you max out the skill points into DD and search.

    Just keep on your course and enjoy your character. Don't worry about the dex haters. Some people only believe in min-maxing for every point of damage. As long as you're having fun then you're doing fine.
    "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
    - Douglas Adams -

  4. #4
    Community Member wigthemaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skarlspeedbump View Post
    People are saying that the Dex rogues are not as good a str rogues end game. My first toon I did a halfling max dex rogue and I was just wondering if I become unsuccessful at end game content, could i reset my enhancements from assassin and try to work from a trap monkey angle? I may have to swap some feats to get more bonuses to the skills required but maybe I could be used in groups then?

    From what I am reading, and considering I am not complete all out hard core, and won't get all the best items, will trap disarmer and open locker be in my future?

    first of all what level are you? second of all if your only going for traps and open lock you only need maybe a 2-3 level splash for that so splashing into another class (AA for example) might be a better idea then a pure dex rouge.


    EDIT: sorry seems i forgot you never mentioned you dumped strength, as long as you have some points in str you'll be fine.

  5. #5
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    If you do everything you can to max out Strength, you'll only end up a few (5 or so) points of damage and to-hit behind a Strength build. You won't be completely useless having a low-ish Strength (though keeping it at 6 all the way to level 20 obviously would gimp you), but it won't be as effective at almost everything.

    No party needs a dedicated trap disarmer and lock picker. It's easy enough to get those skills high enough on a Rogue (hell, even on some Rogue splashes) that using a whole slot just on them is a huge waste. You need to be able to contribute to combat in a significant way if you want to find a group with anyone but your closest friends.

    Edit: Holy ****ing ninjas, Batman!

  6. #6
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    As long as you have power attack you're ok by me.

  7. #7
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    I started with a 13 strength. I have put every dex ability bump into dex to the level of 14, which I am currently at now. I could bump str at 16 by buying a +2 tome, and bumped all abilities with that fat book you can buy. It was my first guy and I didn't want to beat my head for **** poor planning. Thanks for the info! I feel a bit better now.

    P.S. it looks like I will be able to take power attack as it says I can get it with the character planner
    Last edited by skarlspeedbump; 04-29-2011 at 07:04 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member nerdychaz's Avatar
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    Hey, my strength based rogue started with 12! How does that sound? And yes, I absolutely know what I am doing.

  9. #9
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skarlspeedbump View Post
    I started with a 13 strength. I have put every dex ability bump into dex to the level of 14, which I am currently at now. I could bump str at 16 by buying a +2 tome, and bumped all abilities with that fat book you can buy. It was my first guy and I didn't want to beat my head for **** poor planning. Thanks for the info! I feel a bit better now.

    P.S. it looks like I will be able to take power attack as it says I can get it with the character planner
    yeah, you're good to go. just take the same DPS feats and such.

    you will indeed be lower dps (particularly against stuff that's immune to sneak attack), but you won't be horribly gimped or anything... there's a substantial amount of space in between "you've fallen slightly short of your potential to have the best melee DPS in the whole game" and "you are now useless and should reroll".

    you're definitely below where you could potentially be as a strength rogue... but that is a very different thing from being low DPS. that just means instead of being the highest possible DPS, you're probably 3rd or 4th, perhaps as "low" on the charts as 10th place or something. you'll still put the vast majority of melee DPS to shame if you play right and have decent gear.

  10. #10
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    is there anything that Str based rouges give up in this trade .. I mean with info at character creation page and my other assumptions about Rogues like "Dex is important" .. is it just a naive thought ? for much more about Flavor or.. Dex is something and everybody in this trade gives and takes... I'm talking this way because keep readin more and more about Str based Rouges who are only looking for min Dex almost.. (15 Dex from build 17 with tome )

  11. #11
    Community Member RJBsComputer's Avatar
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    Rogues are one of the VERY few classes where their "Flavor" build is just as good as the Max DPS Strength build. Yes it is true you may not out kill a Strength build, but being just 2 to 5 kills behind is not the game breaker like the "Out Spoken" Strength build lovers would have you believe.

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