I don't like puzzles, but I realize some do. What I really hate are puzzles that force me to go through them to complete the quest. I was just going through "Enter the Kobold" today, and I was reminded how much puzzles really ruin large parts of the game for me. After working on it for a while, (which was not fun) I looked up the solution, and found out that sense I had already worked on it a bit, the solution was useless me! So I had to completely restart the quest and not even attempt to solve it on my own to get past it.
Suggestion: Make puzzle solving an optional granting extra exp/loot, but don't force those who hate the awful things to do them if they want to run the quest.
It seems every update, there's always one quest with a frustrating puzzle that sucks the enjoyment right out of the quest. Examples: "Prove Your Worth" (Three-Barrel Cove pack) "Siegebreaker" (Attack on Stormreach pack) "Rainbow in the Dark" (Vale of Twilight pack) "Inferno of the Damned" (Necropolis part 4) "The Crucible" (Ruins of Gianthold pack) Consequently, fewer people run the quest because they don't know the puzzle, depending on some puzzle genius to put together a group and do it for them while they pike. Maybe someday their memorize the puzzle (doesn't that sound fun) and be able to run their own groups (maybe).
So what do people think, should puzzles stay mandatory for quest completion, or should they be optionals for extra for those so inclined?