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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up 3 Monk / 17 Cleric stunning fist / fists of light

    Only have 30 wis in fire stance. Could easily get 36 with ship buff and water stance. Would give a 43 DC with +10 stunners.

    Just swapped extend out for stunning fist. In U9 stunning fist is based on character level instead of monk level.

    It lands a lot in the vale even without stunning wraps. Going to try devil's battlefield and some amrath stuff next and see how it works with the +10 stunners or even the stonedust wraps. Might be a reason to upgrade these to vamp after all!

    Now that fists of light finisher is based on monk level instead of character level it's nice to have something to spend the ki on between keeping aligning the heavens and walk of the sun up.

    I'm going to miss healing entire quests with just aura and fists of light finisher but a working stunning fist is a lot of fun!

  2. #2
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Based on the change to fists of light I'd be more inclined to go 17 cleric, 2 monk, 1 fighter to get an extra feat to take stunning fist with. The light buffs are nice but extra feat and other fighter perks are nicer, imo.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Based on the change to fists of light I'd be more inclined to go 17 cleric, 2 monk, 1 fighter to get an extra feat to take stunning fist with. The light buffs are nice but extra feat and other fighter perks are nicer, imo.
    The 25% SP savings from aligning the heavens is pretty nice when you can keep it up all the time. Especially if you are grouped with a few more casters!

    The 10% healing amp from Monk Improved Recovery I stacks nicely too. (I'm human with racial healing amp, jit bracers in fire stance, 20% amp on DT, etc. Really nice when the aura ticks for 47 and crits for 120!)

    Would probably hit a bit harder with fighter but I feel more useful with the monk buffs.

  4. #4
    Community Member ~herbstlich's Avatar
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    Great at low lvls - self blur, self heavens, whatnot.

    I'd go maxed wisdom to get some real dc, cause after u9 43DC on stuning fist is not enough, and some sp ofc.
    And you can easily get 40 wisdom, and that sounds a bit better.
    The main idea if such healer's build is more about monks' buffs + mass heals (and probably ac in dex based build. But tjat will make ki generation harder) but not huge dps.

    What about Zen archery?
    Be more specific ©

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by herbstlich View Post
    cause after u9 43DC on stuning fist is not enough


    im running a 43 stunning blow and a 41 stunning fist on my fighter/monk that dumped wisdom. and even 41 is enough to stun those casters in epics

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImFour20 View Post

    im running a 43 stunning blow and a 41 stunning fist on my fighter/monk that dumped wisdom. and even 41 is enough to stun those casters in epics
    Good to know.

    Will start trying out some epics now that it's been "rebooted".

    So far it's working out pretty well for me, stunned stuff doesn't hit back which doesn't require healing and the +50% damage on demand is very nice. Plus stunning beholders is fun!

    Burning a few more SP having to recast divine power, divine favor and recitation. Will have to dig up some of those DP clickies.

  7. #7
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    In Might try Stun, then Harm. On a crit it might be around 1000-ish. Booyah.

  8. #8
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JollySwagMan View Post
    In Might try Stun, then Harm. On a crit it might be around 1000-ish. Booyah.
    Even better, stack divine punishment on them while theyre stunned.

    Its one of the few reasons i'd consider multiclassing FvS, especially with the bonus to those spells from the new PrE
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

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