Only have 30 wis in fire stance. Could easily get 36 with ship buff and water stance. Would give a 43 DC with +10 stunners.
Just swapped extend out for stunning fist. In U9 stunning fist is based on character level instead of monk level.
It lands a lot in the vale even without stunning wraps. Going to try devil's battlefield and some amrath stuff next and see how it works with the +10 stunners or even the stonedust wraps. Might be a reason to upgrade these to vamp after all!
Now that fists of light finisher is based on monk level instead of character level it's nice to have something to spend the ki on between keeping aligning the heavens and walk of the sun up.
I'm going to miss healing entire quests with just aura and fists of light finisher but a working stunning fist is a lot of fun!