Had to clean this baby up a bit. You may not always agree with the Community Guidelines, but please refrain from name-calling in the forums.
Had to clean this baby up a bit. You may not always agree with the Community Guidelines, but please refrain from name-calling in the forums.
I'm going to have to update the comprehensive rulebook so that we can ignore the rules more accurately.
LEGITIMATE SUGGESTION: Just drop into the middle. No ability goes off on you if there's something solid between you and the target.
Also...the purple ioun stone doesn't block spells. >.> Just saying.
Do people actually squelch/report/ragequit based on general chat? It seems so ostensibly silly to read that I always assumed it was a joke.
Coming from a software perspective on whether to have different rules and spell effects for pvp and pve .... it would possibly cause game performance issues as more rules were created.
For every spell cast in both pve and pvp, the game would then have to check whether the target was a player or a mob and apply the appropriate effect.
I know they've done this for a few spells (power word kill, power word stun), but if they respond to every nerf request, they'll head down a slippery slope to performance problems.
They'll require a whole lot more QA and load testing between updates, which means a delay in the updates being released (because you can bet they won't put more staff on for pvp).
This is the reason that games which are design for pvp+pve are designed that way from the start and effects work the same on players and mobs.
I would support some Dev time being spent on PvP IF their first order of business was to shut down the Brawling Pits.
Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.
The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=209152 Pic of Me, Post# 332 http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=163146&page=9
Is that supposed to be a justification for how dex build AAs should be taken over well.. anyone? AAs are great, long as they can throw out some DPS.
ToD pt1 isn't all that hard really, granted I was healing, but I did watch a single DPS kill both bosses, from 100%, in a respectable amount of time. I'm sure anyone can do it if they're just kiting around. Also, if its a lag wipe, I don't think anyone I know would want to wait 15mins for the dex build AA to pew... pew... pew... away at the bosses when it would be faster to just restart pt1.
Haven't tried a short man DA, but really, the first wave is amazingly easy. Anyone whos done a DA knows this.
You can solo sins.. um.. great, that must be a real challenge.
Anyway, you're not even on my server, no point arguing with you over your builds when it doesn't affect me in any way.
Did you miss the part about total AA base dmg being 5%? You really aren't accounting for slayer + ls + elemental dps which is the other 95%, AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH STR. Str build AA's will have problems with their chance to hit in epics. You seem to know nothing about rangers. Who needs str to roll a 20, vorps, slayer, etc... Most rangers are cookie cutter shot on the run, mobility, etc, feat wastes...
Whats your toons name? Mine is the same, look it up... Yeh we aren't on the same server, but it's pretty much general knowledge that Thelanis has the best and brightest players in DDO. Come on over to Thelanis to see real pvp/pve.
Oh, and BTW, do you have a melee that can solo Sins elite???
The only melee's that can solo both the Jailer and the Judge are paladins and rangers. Unless ofcourse they have silver flame 250's, or umd/heal scrolls. Dragonmark heals wouldn't cut it...
ONM, just looked ya up. I can't believe your talking smack with that run-of-the-mill, been-done-a-million-times, average build. I guess you need the monk splash with that many hp's though...
Lol. Char names in sig, Vyrns main rest are random builds I have no intention of playing in a real group as it stands now.
Lol at the part about thelanis. It has great players, sure, doesnt mean every last player there is brilliant or I should somehow respect someone more because theyre from thelanis.
MyDDO must be not working at all. Unless you have gear swapped out, cute, 25 more unbuffed HP and you can tell me my HPs trash.
Is that odd or unnatural for any reason?
Shield/nightshield works in PVP, right? Please tell me yes
Methinks all the savant powers are useful for griefing melees with less then good DCs in PVP.
Fire: See OP
Water: 500 dgm and frozen.
Earth: CC based on Reflex save. Nice.
Air: Not DC based, but now the sorcs are even harder to hit, since they can not only bunny jump and run fast with haste, they can now abundent step their way out of trouble if you get them cornered.
Last edited by Thesoulgazer; 05-03-2011 at 10:45 PM.
Mror Hold, 2nd in command - Thelanis
Why am I a disgruntled vet? I could care less about nerfs, if the rest of the update worked.
I hate epic, GSF !="generalist wizard", and my raid loot luck still *'in sucks.
[QUOTE=Thesoulgazer;3769052]Is that odd or unnatural for any reason?
Shield/nightshield works in PVP, right? Please tell me yes
Not against Past Life MM's...
This thread is full of win. And hey Citrus!
Teth - Ascendance
Old School n00b that used to be pretty good at the game.