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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    I understand that metalline is a magical property and not a metal type. I grouped it with the metal types since it deals with very simular weapon properties, i.e. bypassing metal based resistances. I didn't see any of the banes when I was looking over it yesterday. Not saying its not there, just that I didn't see it. After playing around a little bit, I figured out how the metal types on the weapons worked, just didn't have time to do a follow-up post about it.

  2. #22
    Community Member AcesWylde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post
    While I am glad we finally got crafting in DDO, I am not at all happy with it in its current form.

    My biggest issue so far is that crafting is not useful or rewarding in any way in its current form.

    1: We cannot make something that is more useful than some randomly generated item. 1. There are effects available, that have never been on random items. 2. This allows you chose the desired combination that is most useful to you.

    2: It requires a significant effort in time and resources to achieve a high crafting level. I hit L16 arcane in less than half and hour, from mats I got from the new quest line. True, that doesn't include the time running the quests, but I was running them anyway. Don't worry about crafting. Run quests as normal, sell the good stuff, deconstruct the trash, craft shards that give the max xp for the least mats when you have free time, trash the shards, and you'll be fine.

    3: Not to forget the idiotic idea that everything you craft is bound to character. It's my understanding that crafting is still in BETA. BtA crafting is expected to be added later on when some of the bugs are worked out, but will require higher crafting skills than Btc items.

    4: Deconstructing is slow and boring. True, but isn't any grind.
    The only complaint I have this far is that you can't sell your worthless shards to a jewelry vender. They should be pretty enough for costume jewelry at least

  3. #23
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    Default New crafting

    I like it, though it won't be really useful until the higher level content and the ability to make unbound items are added. Mostly, I am making the few items that are useful now and stockpiling the greater essenses for the next phase. I do hope that Metaline is added, along with the greater banes at some point.

  4. #24
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    Default Problems with Crafting (*and* solutions....)

    Quote Originally Posted by NinjaNeed View Post
    You can craft on any NONE named drop items.

    You have 4 options in deconstructing the item (using a +5 holy londsword of pure good as an example)..

    1. Get the base item - you get a longsword.
    2. Take the + from the item - you get a +5 essence
    3. Take the prefix (holy) - you get some materials
    4. Take the suffix (pure good) - you get some materials.

    The amount of materials required to level is immense. I predict a lot of people trying the system out and then stopping due to the shear plat and time sink involved and you need to be a very high level crafter to make anything that is of any real use.

    Also note that the really good stuff is not yet in the game.

    So I predict a rise in AH prices for the junk people put on there, but no massive increase for the really useful stuff. Indeed it may actually DROP in price once people can craft stuff.
    This is EXACTLY the conclusion I have come to. I saw this crafting and went 'cool', this will be just like crystal cove only more advanced. So Wrong. So very Wrong.

    1. You now need WAY more farming to get the needed greater essences. grind. grind. grind. Good luck getting the essences you need.

    2. Great. Now we have a 'use' for all that vendor trash. except that until you hit MUCH higher crafting levels all you are doing now is MAKING the same vendor trash you just got rid of.... OMG you are kidding me! Who's idea was this? SMACK him upside the head. Now. Hard. Do it Twice more. Harder.

    3. Do you mean to tell me that a Level 1 Toon can really reach level 50 in crafting? So he can make a +5 vicious holy sword he just can't use it. -Really? Who thought that through?

    4. Making items is NOT like crystal cove. Each shard is unique. a +1 hide shard is different from a +3 hide shard which is different from bane shard which is different from a +1 hiding bane shard which is different from a nauseum. I have so many shards I can't keep track of what's what. Since until I level my crafting skill to ungodly high, shards are useless. -Who wants a +1 skill item anyways? What is that ML negative 2? -And this is what need to level my crafting skill? Get serious folks.

    1. The game needs a way to 'direct' you towards the essences you are looking for. Just like in crystal cove you could choose the level to 'nudge' you toward the type of gems you wanted. You should be able to make an educated guess as to what chests will give what essences and whether it's greater/or lesser. Naturally this will be just an educated guess, some level of randomness will no doubt still be present. A wilderness area 'devoted' to essense farming (just like doubloon farming....) would be great.

    2. Shards and items should be able to be 'merged' to be upgradeable. Something along the lines of 3 +1 skill shards merge to make 1 +3 skill shard. etc. would work extremely well.

    3. Leveling needs to change. The concept is great, but it should be based on your characters level. Keep it simple. Add your crafting level to your character level. Boom. Solution and done. So a level 10 Toon starts making level 11 items off the bat.

    4. Again, make items upgradeable. One of the benefits of crafting should be (w-a-aait for it...) RECRAFTING! One of the best things about crystal cove is you could take a level 8 sword and turn it into a level 12 sword. BRILLIANT! Why the heck can't you do that now. I *hate* having to sell my +1 sword to get a +2 sword to get a +3 sword, etc. Wouldn't it be great if your Toon's sword was like your grandfather axe. "I've had this axe for 20 years, changed the handle twice and the head 3 times, but it's still the same axe". I'd LOVE to be able to say that my character has had the same sword since level one. How cool would that be?

    And until these changes come along. Forget crafting. It's stupid, it's boring and it's not worth the grind for the reward. At least crystal cove had cutesy kobolds to keep you entertained whist you ground. This is just DULL. DULL. DULL. -And THAT my friends, is the worst insult you can give any game... Turbine. Fix thyself.

    Lord Scotticus
    Ruler of Redbottom Firespank, Irhealer too, and Bringitboyo PaladinofHurt

  5. #25
    Community Member kittikatgurl's Avatar
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    It is definitely fun to make low level stuff with effects you wouldn't find on random items. Alot isn't available on live yet, but some definite potential there.

  6. #26
    Community Member Plantman81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post

    What do I do to simplify for's really easy.......vendor all my loot....keep tabs on my buy back window.....when it's about full...head to House K and hit up the guild general vendor...nice and close to the crafting hall.

    I buyback as much as is feasible....especially if I am on one of my first time toons on a different server.....pop into the crafting hall....start deconstructing.

    I DO NOT MAKE ANY SHARDS. I just stockpile essences.

    Once I have a stack to 1000-2500 depending on which bag I have access to, I start leveling my crafter(s).

    Thing about the essences is they are not bound.

    This takes a very small amount of time out of my actual playing time to do. ....

    I have only decon'd a few items so far. I'm still learning the crafting system, and the highest lvl parts of the game for that matter (Joined Aug 2010). The above approach seems like a good way to start. If the time investment for crafting is about the same as doing a lot of repeat grinding in hopes of that rare drop I'm seeking (often in quests I don't enjoy as much as some others), then I can spend my playing time doing the quests I enjoy more and just decon'ing the junk and crafting what I want. If this turns out to be the case, then I will be happy. Just remember, we ARE still in Beta so the devs are looking for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
    Last edited by Plantman81; 04-28-2011 at 07:07 PM.

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