Mask of the Betrayer is a newish guild on the Cannith server, currently level 15 and growing quite fast.
We are looking for more members to join our ranks.
For now all levels, classes and experience are welcome.
We're a friendly bunch and have members of all experience levels who are more than willing to help each other with questions, quests, gear etc.
If your looking for a new guild on Cannith or are looking for a server to join, you can either wisp me or an officer in game, or we have a newly created website where you can leave an application / request to join (guild mail invites available).
Mask of the Betrayer - Guild Portal site
officers are :-
Ordela, Kaieldriale, Halmir, Blademar, (me)
Havern, Bashaer, Vivamort
Lightpandacc, Darkpandacc
We do ask that you follow a few simple rules as a member:-
1. You act maturely both in and out of guild. Its our reputation that is at stake.
2. You respect other members and non members.
3. That you intend to stay with the guild, and help it grow.
4. We prefer to do full quest clears, no zerging, all barrels destroyed etc, please set this example also in non guild groups.
Thank you, Ordela.