Forever Knights Elite Raiding Guild (54)
We are a fast leveling guild, 4-6 levels per month.
Daily shroud runs & weekly raid schedule. Our main goal is to get to level 100 & have fun doing it. Every player in Forever Knights has at least one level 20 toon; most have multiples plus TRs. We are not elitists & look down upon those that are. I have personally trained dozens of people in raids & enjoy doing so. Are you a diamond in the rough? If so, we want to talk to you.
Ironwulf (Leader)
To become a Forever Knight you must:
1. Maintain a level 20 at all times for raiding purposes.
2. Be flagged for most raids (VIP/P2P Eastern Standard Time Zone/Adults Preferred)
3. Always take the high road in disagreements & never bring dishonor on the Forever Knights name.
4. Have a sense of humor
5. Love for the game.
Max pop allowed: 99 Currently: 58
Guild Creation Date: Oct 15, 2010
Contacts: Ironwulf (Leader), Ragnaar (Vice Leader)
Officers: Brianburu, Kelticking, Ernisht, Iphigen, Faydra, Poptartsoul, Steamm, Wingfoot, Wizkalifa