Then stop asking for an unneeded nerf out of a sheer jealous rage and need to be the "uber leetest" and start asking for what every REAL divine caster player has been for a long time; more offensive spell options, across the board at all levels (other than 6, which is already tight). There is an absence of offensive magic in the Divine repertoire, in DDO, which is NOT there in PnP.
That eSoS using WF with 6 WIS has already lost out on Implosion, Destruction, Command/Greater Command, Symbol of Stunning, and so forth. They have sacrificed considerable strength on their Blade Barriers as well, as evasion mobs WILL save 95% of the time, and even those mobs with weak reflex saves save a good chunk of the time.
The fact is, saying that a WiS-dumped FvS or Cleric sacrifice nothing in spells for doing so is an absolute lie. They lose out on their two primary AoE spells, their few insta-kills, and all of their crowd control. They become nothing but healbots and buffbots with their spell points. Divine Punishment the only spell which they have which is both mana efficient to an extent and is actually effective. The rest of the smiting line does paltry damage, even Searing Light, and the alignment spells are no better.
The spell is balanced fine as it is; it is too expensive an option to sustain those high dps numbers for long, and unless you're gimp you have other objectives in raids as well. If you are gimp, then you won't be able to run very many raids after awhile. What would "balance" it in terms of your jealousy is the addition of more offensive spells for divine casters, that use a save for effect.