Hello there forums.
After stalking Llama threads and reading U9 release notes, I came to the conclusion that my current cleric will probably become a healbot/symbol of stunning bot in epics, due to the removal of autocrit on helpless and no more woo-woo for me. In other words, I'll practically pike all the epic content when the party doesn't require a constant source of healing. Also, if the epic isn't a raid, Heystack could easily replace my cleric, as long as need for FoM is covered.
To me, being just about useful as a hireling is not fun, so I'll TR my cleric to another cleric build that can actually function outside healbotting.
That said, I see two ways I can go about this.
Firstly, I could try to achieve meaningful DC's in epics to make my CC land. This will be difficult, due to the increase to epic trash saves. I also don't want to TR more than once just to get my spells to land.
Secondly, I could go melee and do damage when healing is not needed. This option is more interesting to me, as I probably won't require amazing gear to function in my role.
This said, the build I have in mind is cleric X/Fighter Y, with as many levels of cleric as I can fit, and as few levels of fighter I require. Optimally I'd have no fighter in there at all so my sp pool would be enough to heal any of the content even if the group wasn't optimal.
Here comes the part I need help with. I've never built a battlecleric and I might have something in the build that's useless, or I haven't even noticed something that's important. Please tell me how I'm doing this wrong.
Feats I feel I need to have:
GTWF - These are a flavor option more than anything, and I did grind myself a pair of scimitars in the event. Might be fun to test them out.
Power attack - If I'm going to do melee, might as well do some damage while I'm at it.
Toughness - dead clerics don't heal, dead characters don't dps.
Quicken spell - I consider this almost mandatory to heal when getting beat on or blasted.
Empower healing - The main reason I'm going cleric instead of FvS is radiant servant.
Feats I consider to be nice to have:
Maximize Spell
Empower Spell - maximize & empower boost mass cures, BB & radiant burst. Then again, I've pretty much only relied on (quickened) mass heals, heals & radiant bursts for healing when I play my cleric now. Then again, mass cures have a lot faster casting animation, so I'd get to swing more if I hjealed with them
Imp. Crit - More damage is always nice.
Extend Spell - The way I see it, the duration on divine favor/divine power/holy aura/recitation/prayer will suck without this. Additionally, extending the spells will probably save me spell points. OTOH, the 1 min/level spells shouldn't have to be extended at end game. If the party takes more than 18-20 minutes between shrines, I'm either running sands epics or something strange is going on.
To get all the feats I want, I'd need 4 levels of feater. This is unacceptable. If I skip one of them I could do with 2 levels of feater. If I skip two, I'd only need one. My current plan is to skip either empower, extend, or both of them and go with one or two fighter levels.
Since I have so many feats I feel I need or want, I'm thinking of going human. One extra feat never hurts, and neither do the human enhancements.
Planned stats: (1st TR, 34 points to spend)
STR: 15
Con: 15 - maybe have one less con & one more STR. Depends on how my endgame gear & ap stat enhancements play out.
DEX: 14 and a +3 tome for TWF requirements.
Int: 8
Wis: 14 - technically I could do with wis 10 in the beginning, +6 from conc.op and +3 from ToD ring allows me to cast my 9th level spells, but this will make my sp pool smaller and low levels awful to grind through.
Cha: 14: with a +2 tome this should be enough to get Divine Might II. If I dump AP into cleric charisma and/or human charisma, I should be able to get DM III.
Skill points: Max Concentration & UMD. I'll eat a +2 int tome at level 7 and get balance with the extra ranks.
Simple option for ability increases would be to put everything into strength. Another option would be to put some into Cha, for a better Divine Might. This would translate roughly into +1 damage, -1 attack, and I'd need to pay AP for the next DM as well. Is this worth it?
So once again, did I miss anything? Am I doing this wrong? If so, how?
tl;dr: DooooOOOooooooom + fix my build.