hello i wanted some feedback on one of my clerics i have one battle cleric(oh god im hated) and one radiant servant with alot of cha (caster radiant type) and with this caster type i have kind of ignored everything but wis cha and con
in that order im about to ding 15 and im wondering would grabbing 2 rog lvls or even 1 iono be a better support type of caster with umde'd arcane scrolls like displacements/stoneskin or what not and such when running regular quests then a pure 20 cleric ?
now im not really thinking about this but my friends and me was thinking/talking about it, it might be awesome in the regular quests with a full umd caster cleric another barb in the party wouldt really slow things down when arcanes are scarse
and we couldt just agree on it so i thought id ask what you think about since it really does seem awesome with a full umd radiant cleric while shortmaning high lvl stuff