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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default full umd caster cleric ?

    hello i wanted some feedback on one of my clerics i have one battle cleric(oh god im hated) and one radiant servant with alot of cha (caster radiant type) and with this caster type i have kind of ignored everything but wis cha and con
    in that order im about to ding 15 and im wondering would grabbing 2 rog lvls or even 1 iono be a better support type of caster with umde'd arcane scrolls like displacements/stoneskin or what not and such when running regular quests then a pure 20 cleric ?

    now im not really thinking about this but my friends and me was thinking/talking about it, it might be awesome in the regular quests with a full umd caster cleric another barb in the party wouldt really slow things down when arcanes are scarse

    and we couldt just agree on it so i thought id ask what you think about since it really does seem awesome with a full umd radiant cleric while shortmaning high lvl stuff

  2. #2
    Community Member thegreatneil's Avatar
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    Perhaps if you want a healer that can UMD/buff, You should roll a bard.

    P.S. Offensive capable cleric is the PC term for it. (i have a REAL battle cleric)
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    Quote Originally Posted by blerkington View Post
    Everyone who is more effective than me is OP, and should be nerfed.
    Everyone who has more stuff than me cheated to get it, and should be punished.
    Everyone who plays differently to me is a bad person, and should be mistreated.

  3. #3
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    My current main is a 16/2/1 Cle/Rog/Fig with full ranks in UMD.

    It is quite handy to have, but most scrolls have such short durations that it becomes extremely tedious keeping up the buffs. I find I use UMD more for bypassing gear requirements (RR, align etc) and the odd DD or fireshield scroll. One concern is inventory space which can quickly fill up with stacks of scrolls/wands.

    However if you want to multiclass then planning the build in advance is strongly recomended, even moreso on a caster. By forgoing cleric lvls for rogue ones you will lose sp, spell-pen, spell slots and have a harder time getting into pugs among other things. Are the benefits you gain worth that sacrifice?

  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    I've run up a pure fvs helf sorc dili to 20 and a clonk helf sorc dili to a 1st TR and amused myself being able to dili displ scrolls, expeditous retreat wands, sheild wands, teleport and even GT. it's kinda gimp at cap though but super fun to level. Probably better to just make 1.5min clickies only T2 when you can afford the ing. as has been said scrolls have a very short duration so i will tend to go through a lot on my clonk. it's not bad to dili fire cold shield scrolls in eVon6 either while I haven't yet got bracers of the glacier or a spare cloak of ice or absorption items. Kinda fun on an intermediate life.

  5. #5
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    thanks for the feedback .. this is exaclty what we talked about . the duration . we have been shorting maning every quest in the game as cleric(me) barb and a paladin and the only thing we have started to miss is arcane buffs (haste/displacements) we got a few hast clickies but the displacements would have saved 80% of not more on my heals ... [bypassing most traps by the pally and barb running thru it then i die and the pally gets me up again]

    maby a 3vs all is a bit short but a clonk might have been a better choice for this setup (i wont be splashing my cleric now)

    but maby in a future race i might go for it =) anyway you know in some of those big fights a displacement is worth more then a hundred heals in some quests

    one other thing i brought up that never got that far how about a 32 points tank pally with umd ? would that be better then a clonk ina 3man race to the finish ?

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